The odd island

A dro­mo­log­i­cal bal­let for five tun­ing cars Tue, July 12 2011, 20:15 ///  Round about Mulden­straße, Linz /// In the con­text of DÉJÀ-VU, the …


Pre­lim­i­nary project in the con­text of Linz09 ///  A point moves back and forth. Two play­ers con­trol a ver­ti­cal line which they move …

quitch: Opening party

quitch: open­ing par­ty (the offi­cial one) ///  Fri, Novem­ber 19 2004, 18:00 ///  quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz /// Open­ing address­es:  qujOchÖ — exper­i­mentelle kun­st- und …