
qujOchÖ oper­ates at the inter­faces of art, sci­ence and society.
qujOchÖ is diverse, het­ero­ge­neous, untag­gable and com­plete­ly undisciplined.
qujOchÖ works with all and noth­ing, shows, builds, installs, inter­venes, dis­cuss­es, con­nects, rants and raves.
qujOchÖ makes every­thing out of con­vic­tion and love.
qujOchÖ (* 2001 in Linz, Austria)

qujOchÖ, col­lec­tive:

Isabel­la Auer
Andrea Cor­ra­di
Melanie de Jong
Jakob Diet­rich
Tomiris Dmitrievskikh
Jana Ehls
Mar­lies Hajnal
Loren­zo Iannantuoni
Hedieh Kha­je­hzadeh
Julia Nüßlein
Thomas Philipp
Edin Tural­ic
Andre Zogholy

qujOchÖ, port­fo­lioed:
Fullscreen Mode

qujOchÖ, for­mer:
Katha­ri­na Kaudel­ka (2000), Peter Wagen­hu­ber (2000), Gün­ther Ziehlinger (2000), Jörg Lehn­er (2000 — 2003), Pamela Ripota (2000 — 2003), Katrin Lasthofer (2000), Andreas Mayrhofer (2000), Ste­fan Gart­ner (2002 — 2003), Markus Deck­er (2002 — 2003), Markus Tumelt­sham­mer (2003), Eva-Maria Klin­govsky (2003), Wolf­gang Schmied­bauer (2003 — 2008), Mag­nus Hofmüller (2004 — 2008), Mar­tin Pam­mer (2005), Mar­tin Böhm (2005 — 2010), Lydia Thanner (2005 — 2009), Doris Prlic (2006 — 2010), Andreas Kurz (2007 — 2009), Johannes Dichtinger (2007 — 2009), Lucas Nor­er (2008 — 2010), Nina Wen­hart (2008), Mar­co Stum­mer (2008), There­sa Luise Gindl­strass­er (2012 — 2013), There­sa Schu­bert (2011 — 2014), Clemens Baud­er (2009 — 2017), Lau­rien Bach­mann (2018), Andreas Reichl (2008 — 2022), Sun Li Lian Obwegeser (2009 — 2022), Ver­e­na* Henet­mayr (2012 — 2022), Luzi Kata­may (2013 — 2022), Costan­za Bran­dizzi (2018 — 2022), Maria Orci­uoli (2022 — 2023), Eva Maria Dreisieb­n­er (2015 — 2023), Davide Bevilac­qua (2016 — 2023)

qujOchÖ, locat­ed:
Since August 2004 togeth­er with allied artists and cre­atives at Untere Donaulände 10 in Linz/Austria, in a com­bi­na­tion of lab­o­ra­to­ry, work­ing place and ate­lier named “quitch” (syn. couch­grass). Cur­rent users: Mar­tin Bruner (Som­brero Design), Ste­fan Eibel­wim­mer (SEGE), Chris­tine Eder (Chris­tine Eder) and Gün­ther Kolar (leit-werk). For­mer users: Dieter Strauch, Evi Bauer, Michaela Grininger, Christof Hue­mer, Andrea Mayr, Pip­pa Buchanan, Franziska Parschau, Ste­fan Schilch­er, Chris­tine Pil­sl, Ingo Ran­dolf, Nina Fuchs, Mar­lies Stöger, Roswitha Kröll, Sibylle Etten­gru­ber, Anna Fiala, Ger­ald Priewass­er, Alex Barth, Evi Garsleit­ner, ZACH Records and Duygu Uzun.

The rhi­zome includes the best and the worst: pota­to and couch­grass, or the weed.  Ani­mal and plant, couch­grass is crab­grass.” (Deleuze/Guattari 1977, S. 11).