4th WurstVomHundBall

Sat, Feb­ru­ary 2 2019, 8 p.m. /// 
Stadtwerk­statt, Kirchen­gasse 4, Linz ///

Mynth (AT)
Farce (AT)
Dalia Ahmed (AT)
Anda­ka (AT)

Cham­pagne reception
Mid­night stage show
Men’s, trans and women’s donations
Sausage paradise
Cock­tail bar
Ice disco
Art & Glit­ter with Schlot, qujOchÖ, Johannes Steininger, Isabel­la Auer, Clemens Stöt­tinger, Clara Boesl et al.

Aus­tria is cur­rent­ly being rebuilt. From a new gov­ern­ment that oppress­es indi­vid­ual groups in soci­ety to enforce its neolib­er­al pol­i­cy of redis­tri­b­u­tion. We are all losers — espe­cial­ly refugees, poor or unem­ployed peo­ple, but also women’s projects and work­ers’ rights have been cut.

At the WurstvomHund­Ball, we are send­ing a sig­nal of joie de vivre against the social indif­fer­ence in the coun­try. We are not afraid of diver­si­ty. We are not afraid of equal­i­ty. And we are not afraid of the right-wing-move­ment itself. We want a plu­ral­is­tic, mod­ern soci­ety, we are against iso­la­tion and hatred, we stand up for inclu­sion. We want a pol­i­cy with atti­tude, not a pol­i­cy of exclu­sion, agi­ta­tion and perfidy.

That is what we stand for, that is what we cel­e­brate. And we also take deci­sive action: As in pre­vi­ous years, the net pro­ceeds of the WurstvomHund­Ball will be donat­ed to the Linz based NGOSOS Men­schen­rechte” for their work in the care of refugees.

On the same evening, a demon­stra­tion will be held in Linz against the Burschen­bund­ball which is a sym­bol of right-wing and sex­ist pol­i­tics. In order to ensure that the dress­ing up will pay off, we walk the streets togeth­er in the BEAUTIFUL BLOCK to show our atti­tude before attend­ing the WurstvomHundBall.

Tick­ets: https://backlab.kupfticket.at/events/4‑wurstvomhundball

Face­book-Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/557489771274623

[nggallery id=224] Pho­tos: Jür­gen Grünwald