Info / Tickets
Q:       Signal vs. Noise vs. Body. How to sculpt a sound space with needle nails?
A:       Thu 6 June 2024 20:30,Schießhalle, Waldeggstraße 116, Linz
eVicSHen (US) live

Evicshen is the nom de guerre of sound artist, experimental music performer, and inventor Victoria Shen (she/her). Based in San Francisco, Shen's sound practice is concerned with the spatiality/physicality of sound and its relationship to the human body. Her music features analog modular synthesizers, vinyl/resin records, and self-built electronics. Shen's music eschews conventions in harmony and rhythm in favor of extreme textures and gestural tones.
Shen is notably the inventor of Needle Nails, acrylic nails with embedded turntable needles allowing her to play up to 5 tracks of a record at once. Shen's DIY approach extends beyond just instruments but also music releases. Her debut LP, Hair Birth, features copper album art that transforms the cover into a loudspeaker through which the record can be played. Recently, Shen has started releasing hand-made resin records embedded with found materials, each piece functions not only as playable music media but as unique art objects.

Website, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Instagram, Video-1, Video-2, Video-3

(AT) live
LukAs König

Lukas König studied at Gustav Mahler Konservatorium in Vienna, Anton-Bruckner University in Linz and HKB in Bern. He was given the “Hans Koller Price - New York Scolarship” in 2009, the Bremen Jazzpreis and Bawag P.S.K. Next Generation Award in 2014 (with Kompost3). Klangforum Wien premiered his composition Stereogram1 at Konzerthaus Vienna in 2018 and in 2021 he was chosen to be artist of the Shape Network. In addition to performances at festivals worldwide he collaborated with Reggie Washington, Malcolm Braff, Steven Bernstein, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Audrey Chen, Moormother, Dorian Concept, Peter Kutin, Elliott Sharp, Elvin Brandhi, Bilderbuch, Martin Siewert, Franz Hautzinger, Otto Lechner, Koenigleopold, 5KHD, Klangforum Wien and many more.

Using electronics and pedals along with his cymbal, König lets his imagination fly, leading to fascinating juxtapositions between tracks and sometimes even inside them. Despite the stylistic whiplash, Koening manages to instill his music with a sense of purpose, never blasting forward blindingly or tripping over himself to find a new sound. As a result, static churn, whirring spasms and terrifying echoes are like branches of the same highly-engaging musical tree.

Website, Bandcamp, Instagram, Video-1, Video-2, Video-3

AndRea CorRadi (IT) live

Andrea Corradi is a multimedia artist actively working on his Master's Degree at Interface Cultures. With a background in computer music and real time composition, his work explores areas such as human computer interaction and sound spatialisation.
The research he has undertaken brought him to work with different collectives on compositions, installations and web based projects. His current interests dive into the audiovisual realm, focussing on the perception of rhythmic and geometric patterns arising through code based work.

Website, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Soundcloud

(AT) live

Catrin Manoli a.k.a. Cooky graduated from the sculpture and painting master class at the Ortweinschule in Graz and is now studying experimental art in Linz. As a failed taxidermist, her living room is on the train. Always front row in the mosh pit, at a significant one meter fifty, she actively makes a radical statement against right-wing and colonialist structures. In her live sets she uses noisy sounds and presents preserved dead animals to crEAte a horror show of conFRontation that QuestiOns speCIesism and our trANsiencE aS huMan animals. Her DJ sets under the pSEudonym Habibiti aRe a secret under the star sign “Surprise”.


A:       Thu 6 June 2024 20:30,Schießhalle, Waldeggstraße 116, Linz
qujOchÖ preSenTs a special evENing dedicatEd to thE QuestiOn of hoW signALs, noISe and bodies supPOrt or inteRFere with Each OtheR. The concert feaTUres SouNd aRtiSt and inVEntor EvicShen from San FrancISco, knOWn for her unique aPproach to mUsic usIng anAloG sYntheSizerS, Self-buiLt ElecTRonics, anD inNOvative instrumENts like Needle Nails. JoINing her are Lukas König from VieNNa, a versatiLE mUSician using electronics and pedals alOng with his cYmbaL, AnDrea CorRadi, a Linz-based Italian mulTimedia artist eXPloring human-computer inteRAction and sound spatialIZation, and Catrin Manoli a.k.a. HaBiBiti, an Austrian EXperimenTal artist, alsO based in LiNz, thiS Time deliVEring a DJ set uNder tHe StaR sign “Surprise”.

Tickets: pre-sale 12 Euros / box office 15 Euros