Info / Tickets
Q:       Savoir* faire Gala. How does your mindset's rigidity shape your gut's openness?
A:       13th of June 2pm, 14th of June 11am/7pmSchießhalle, Waldeggstraße 116, Linz

Basak Tuna

Başak Tuna, Istanbul 1992, is a critical spatial practitioner, currently based in Rome, graduated in 2021 from the Design Academy Eindhoven with an MA in Contextual Design. Her work investigates networks concerning human beings, infrastructures and power relations. Coming from an industrial design education, her artistic research feeds itself from the agency of everyday objects; she breaks, dissects, documents, intervenes, adds, substructs, overlays, and uses reverse engineering. Also co-Founder of funduk and part of ATI.

MaXimiLian LeHner

Maximilian Lehner is a practice-based philosopher who studied in Linz/Austria, Paris/France, and Stuttgart/Germany. He works as an art producer in Stuttgart, is a trained sound engineer, and makes music.

MatTEo LoCci

Matteo Locci ( 1986, ROME, IT) is a graduate of the Architecture faculty from the University of Roma Tre, holding a Diplôme Supérieur de Recherche en Art (DSRA) from ÉESI // École européenne supérieure de l’image in collaboration with the École nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges. Sitting at the intersections of spatial experiences, popular history, art, activism and performance, his work highlights the shifting relations between power, technical images,and participation, focusing on the ways by which attention is triggered, produced, circulate, and disappear in the neoliberal participatory governance. He is a founding member of the Roman collective ATI (2014 )whose work considers questions of contemporary political representations, architectural ideology and public space interventions. At the base of the collective’s research is the understanding and the stressing of the contributions given by each actor participating in the construction of the city.They conceive their involvement as contaminated contaminants in co-created processes open and co-directed by the circumstances, the contexts, the people and the communities encountered.

A:       13th of June 2pm, 14th of June 11am/7pmSchießhalle, Waldeggstraße 116, Linz
ThE worKshop is coNceivEd as collaboRative research on taste and licking savoir faire. To re-politicize the tongue, the event is conceived as a collective effort to bring the tongue back in the public sphere. While respecting hygienic and sanitary prEscriptions, participantS are iNvited to engage physically in a linguistic relation with their antipathies, their enemies and their nightmares. This workshop will be based on artistic research with video archive, and performative exerciSes. The final evEnt is conCeived as a dinNer of viSual disgust coupled with tasty delicacies. DraMaturgically structured around a multiPle course menu will be developed in 48 hours by participants.

Tickets: free entry