25. April – 1. Mai 2022 ///
Ehem. Wirts­haus zur Schieß­hal­le, Wal­degg­stra­ße 116, Linz ///

Ever­y­day from 5 p.m.: Post-work aperitif 
Satur­day 2 p.m.: Zine Genera­ti­on Work­shop, by Mara Karagianni
Sunday from noon: Elec­tro Brunch

Join us in our pro­ject week QUWOCHE!

We sho­v­eled our­sel­ves free from almost any other obli­ga­ti­ons to use this inten­se working week as a collec­ti­ve. Our goal is free artis­tic pro­duc­tion, fol­lowing sparks of ide­as, with a cer­tain sen­se of duty in this enc­lo­sed time frame.
We cele­bra­te our dai­ly work with a nice Ape­ri­tif, whe­re you can visit us any day from 5pm.
Plea­se sign up for the Satur­day Work­shop on Zine Genera­ti­on in python – work­shop will start at 2pm – if you want to par­ti­ci­pa­te, regis­ter here: https://cloud.servus.at/apps/forms/ckJfQj4X3dNZRWYT (info below!) 
On Sunday 1st of May, LABOUR DAY, we cele­bra­te our accom­plish­ments and invi­te you to join for a chil­led elec­tro brunch with drinks and snacks!
Anything that goes on will be pos­ted – fol­low us online @qujochoe for all the live infos!
Sams­tag, 30. April 2022, 14:00 – 17:00
Work­shop: Zine Generator
with Mara Karagianni

In this work­shop we will fol­low through some python code for crea­ting PDF pam­phlets, lay­outs  and zines. We will look into the PDF libra­ries FPDF and Borb and work with an exten­si­on of the FPDF modu­le to crea­te page lay­outs, signa­tures, covers and colophons.

This will be a hands-on work­shop, whe­re par­ti­ci­pants will be intro­du­ced to python func­tions and clas­ses for making cus­tom scripts to gene­ra­te PDF publi­ca­ti­ons by fee­ding text and image files to their script. We will start with an over­view of spe­ci­fic python libra­ries that work with PDF for­mat, and we will con­ti­nue with the zine gene­ra­tor code acces­si­ble here. While pri­or know­ledge to python is not requi­red, par­ti­ci­pants shall be com­for­ta­ble with using the terminal.

Mara is an artist, deve­lo­per, tech zines­ter and python inst­ruc­tor, who regu­lar­ly muse about cul­tu­re and foss on mastodon (systerserver.town/@mara) and publish their zines at psaroskalazines.gr. Tog­e­ther with other queer peers, they run the femi­nist ser­vers anar­cha­ser­ver & systerserver.

git repo: https://git.systerserver.net/mara/zine_maker
mastodon: https://systerserver.town/@mara
web­site: https://psaroskalazines.gr/

Plea­se regis­ter to the online work­shop at the fol­lowing link.
Bring your own lap­top with Python 3.8 installed!