

Fr, 2. Dezem­ber 2022, 20:15 ///
Ehem. Wirts­haus zur Schieß­hal­le, Wal­degg­stra­ße 116, Linz ///

qujOchÖ star­tet sei­ne Kon­zert­ma­schi­ne nach dem Umzug von der Unte­ren Donau­län­de in das ehe­ma­li­ge Wirts­haus zur Schieß­hal­le in der Wal­degg­stra­ße wie­der (in unmit­tel­ba­rer Nähe des Bahn­hofs, nur ca. 12 Minu­ten mit der Stras­sen­bahn­li­nie 3 bzw. 4 vom Haupt­platz zur Hal­te­stel­le Unter­gaum­berg). In der noch rau­en Umbau-Atmo­sphä­re gibt es dazu zuerst Indus­tri­al Gab­ber und New School Hard­core von ASTRID GNOSIS (ES/GB), in den letz­ten Jah­ren u. a. gese­hen beim Hyper­rea­li­ty 2019 auf der Sophi­en­al­pe in Wien, beim Club Trans­me­dia­le Fes­ti­val 2020 in Ber­lin oder im Werk in Wien beim Unsafe+Sounds 2022. Danach kommt als glo­ba­ler Local-Sup­port-Act LYNNMAYYA (SY/AT), deren fei­ne Mini­mal Deep Tech­no Sets seit eini­ger Zeit die Lin­zer Klubs heimsuchen.

Astrid Gno­sis is one of tho­se rare, one-of-a-kind artists who­se work lea­ves a las­ting impres­si­on on your mind. She throws you into a deeply unsett­ling uni­ver­se, both uncom­for­ta­b­ly per­tur­bing yet weird­ly engros­sing. Colom­bian/­Spa­nish-born and Lon­don-based, Gno­sis is a mul­ti-media artist who wea­ves dys­to­pian sound­s­capes, blunt lyri­cism and bru­tal image­ry to chal­len­ge human per­cep­ti­on. When it comes to Gno­sis’ hybrid hard­core sound, there’s no sugar-coa­ting and no pre­ten­tious non­sen­se, only pro­gres­si­ve and uncom­pro­mi­sing elec­tro­ni­ca with a socio-poli­ti­cal tin­ge, desi­gned to rip out humanity’s obli­vious­ness to the world one beat at a time.“ (Sil­vi­ja Dani­u­nai­te, subbacultcha.be)

Lynn­May­ya is a Syri­an expe­ri­men­tal visua­list and sound artist who kicked star­ted her care­er as a bas­sist in a rock band cal­led Kar­ma and they per­for­med in Syria as the first fema­le rock band in the coun­try. Now she is based in Aus­tria whe­re she per­forms as a Tech­no DJ & Elec­tro­nic Pro­du­cer. In her DJ and live sets she plays lots of tracks, com­bi­ning groo­vy mini­mal with dark-psy twist. As pro­du­cer she is dis­tin­guis­hed by using raw and play­ful syn­ths and other digi­tal and ana­log instruments.“

