Rokko‘s Adven­tures (AT) /// 
Fud­kanista (AT) ///

Sun, May 15th 2016, 23:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz /// 
Pro­gram part of the Linz Night­walk LINZFEST 2016 ///

ROKKO is com­ing to Linz. Known for his adven­tur­ous “mag­a­zine for humans, ani­mals, sen­sa­tions” he has decid­ed to pub­lish a book titled “Avant-garde from Below: Trans­gres­sive Per­for­mance from Iggy Pop to Joe Cole­man and GG Allin”. What is it all about? To put it sim­ply: Punk as Avant­garde with­out all the Avant­garde-Kokolores. And in addi­tion to the three in the title men­tioned artists: Sun Ra, William S. Bur­roughs, Viet­nam, Alta­mont, Charles Man­son, Lester Bangs, John Waters, Gena Row­lands, John Fare, John Wayne Gacy, Sui­cide, Lydia Lunch, Schrödinger’s cat, can­ni­bal­ism, cheat and ISIL. Absolute­ly not an usu­al read­ing, also with audi­to­ry and visu­al support.

FUDKANISTA have been two, then three, now two again, but these are always more than two. Anna Masala and Pep­pa­mind deliv­er dadais­tic scram­bled eletron­ic trash in a XLR-class of its own, salt­ed with esca­lat­ing karaoke per­for­mances. Per­ma­nent exper­i­ments are a fixed part of FUDKANISTA which is expressed by con­tin­u­ous­ly chang­ing beats, voic­es, texts, instru­ments and ambi­ent nois­es. There­fore very dif­fer­ent songs with very dif­fer­ent titles like “Walk a Mile in my Mokasins”, “Die Kloake der Adap­tion” or “In deim Kopf zeast” can be found on their 2015 released album “El Cap­i­tal­is­mo del­la Playa”.


(Pho­tos: Jakob Dietrich)


Live-Set Fud­kanista:
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