Tonnuzzi: Architekturzentrum Wien

Wed, August 7 2013, 19:00 /// 
Architek­turzen­trum Wien, Muse­um­splatz 1, 1070 Vienna /// 
Dai­ly from 14:00, dura­tion of the exhi­bi­tion: August 8 — 25 2013 ///

With­in the frame­work of the exhi­bi­tion “won­der­lab 24 Hour City – All Inclu­sive” at the Architek­turzen­trum Wien qujOchÖ sets up Ton­nuzzi, the 2009 designed recon­structable pool for the inner city.

[nggallery id=31] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)