The Swamp Thing: Screenings in the Swamp

Wed, June 5 2013: Sein oder Nicht­sein (USA 1942) /// 
Thu, July 4 2013: Tokyo Gore Police (Japan 2008) /// 
Thu, July 11 2013: L S D (USA 1968, 22 min), Mar­i­hua­na – Hasch (USA 1970, 20 min), Vom Mäd­chen zur Frau (USA 1992, 22 min), Vom Jun­gen zum Mann (USA 1992, 20 min) /// 
Thu, July 18 2013: Wenn Katel­bach kommt (Cul-de-sac) (UK 1966) /// 
Thu, August 1 2013: Die Weibchen (France/Italy/Ger­many 1970) /// 
Thu, August 8 2013: Fox­fur (USA 2012) /// 
Thu, August 15 2013: Welt am Draht (Ger­many 1973) /// 
Thu, August 22 2013: Dobuschi­do (Aus­tria 2009) /// 
Thu, August 29 2013: Cecil B. DeMent­ed (USA 2000) /// 
always start­ing at 20:30 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

qujOchÖ starts with a week­ly screen­ing series into the mid­sum­mer. After the pre­quel “Sein oder Nicht­sein” by Ernst Lubitsch of 1942 every Thurs­day gems of the cin­e­ma can be dived with­in the ambi­ence of the cosy court­yard, accom­pa­nied by the Swamp Thing and with free admis­sion. Beer and pop­corn are there.

[nggallery id=18] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)