Summerhit Research Lab: Pflasterspektakel 2013
Fri, July 18 and Sat, July 19 2013, from 14:00 ///
Tummelplatz, Linz ///
qujOchÖ makes a stop at the Pflasterspektakel 2013 with the Summerhit Research Lab. With an anthropolical, phenomenal and at the same time po-structuralist examination on phenomenons regarding summer hits certain questions will be investigated: What is a summer hit and what defines it? Are there essential stylistic elements in the songs and in the accompanying music videos? These and many more questions will be discussed together with festival visitors in this investigative stage of the research lab. To find out the mysteries of summer hits the motto applies: Pitschi-pitschi-patschi, Beach-beach-party!
(Photos: qujOchÖ)