
Scan­dal Normal? /// 
Decem­ber 2 2016 – April 30 2017 /// 
OK Offenes Kul­turhaus, Linz /// 
Open­ing: Decem­ber 1 2016, 7 pm ///

With this work qujOchÖ devotes itself to the scan­dal in the art field. Over a peri­od of sev­er­al months the toi­let of the own stu­dio has been trans­formed step by step into a SKANDALMASCHINE that func­tions as a ref­er­en­tial fire­work to 40 art scan­dals of the last centuries.

Using the sim­plest means works by Michelan­ge­lo, Mar­cel Duchamp, Car­olee Schnee­mann, Jeff Coons, Tracey Emin or Pussy Riot have been inte­grat­ed into the SKANDALMASCHINE, some­times in a quite trashy aes­thet­ics. The used mate­ri­als include a loo roll, a choco­late east­er bun­ny, a squeak­ing rub­ber duck, a burnt 10 pound note, a num­ber of fruit gum frogs, a con­dom, a pewter fig­ure of Napoleon, pack­aged urine, real splin­ters of a mete­or, wrong dia­monds, shaved pubic hair and a dou­ble dil­do with suc­tion cup.

SKANDALMASCHINE will be shown as a com­plete work for the first time with­in the great exhi­bi­tion of art scan­dals “SKANDAL NORMAL?” at OK Offenes Kul­turhaus Oberöster­re­ich from Dezem­ber 2016 to April 2017. The exhi­bi­tion offers an unveiled look at the sen­su­al effect of con­tro­ver­sial art works – and dis­sects rea­sons for ­out­rage as a mir­ror of a soci­ety in between voyeurism, beer-drink­ing blath­er, and dig­i­tal­iza­tion. Apart from SKANDALMASCHINE the exhi­bi­tion includes works by Pao­lo Cirio, Mar­co Evarist­ti, Valie Export, Wolf­gang Flatz, Gelitin, G.R.A.M., Guer­ril­la Girls, Damien Hirst, Mar­tin Kip­pen­berg­er, Otto Mühl, Her­mann Nitsch, ORLAN, Tan­ja Osto­jić, Ste­larc, ÜBERMORGEN, Julius von Bis­mar­ck or Zen­trum für Poli­tis­che Schönheit.

The 40 works in the SKANDALMASCHINE:

  • SKM #1: Twins [ref. to ‘Still Life With Stem Cells’ by Patri­cia Pic­cini­ni 2002]
  • SKM #2: Paint Bomb­ing Leo [ref. to ‘A His­to­ry of Sex (Leo’s Fan­ta­sy)’ by Andres Ser­ra­no 1996]
  • SKM #3: Boing Boom Flatz [ref. to ‘Schuldig/nicht schuldig’ by Wol­fang Flatz 2010]
  • SKM #4: Map­ple­trans [ref. to ‘Man in Poly­ester Suit’ by Robert Map­plethor­pe 1980]
  • SKM #5: Clash of Civ­i­liza­tions [ref. to ‘La Nona Ora’ by Mau­r­izio Cat­te­lan 1999]
  • SKM #6: Enig­ma [ref. to ‘The Din­ner Par­ty’ by Judy Chica­go 1974 — 1979]
  • SKM #7: Mod­ell­bau für pro­voka­tive Kun­st [ref. to ‘Aus­län­der raus! Schlin­gen­siefs Con­tain­er’ by Christoph Schlin­gen­sief 2000]
  • SKM #8: Exhib­it L. [ref. to ‘Exhib­it B.’ by Brett Bai­ley 2010]
  • SKM #9: Patiente tot [ref. to ‘Philoso­phie / Jurispru­denz / Medi­zin’ by Gus­tav Klimt 1899 — 1907]
  • SKM #10: Kill Google [ref. to ‘Myra’ by Mar­cus Har­vey 1995]
  • SKM #11: Voodoo in a Can­dy Tank [ref. to ‘Shark’ by David Černý 2005]
  • SKM #12: Ur-Mama [ref. to ‘Mama und Papa’ by Otto Mühl 1964]
  • SKM #13: Kendog [ref. to ‘Aus der Mappe der Hundigkeit’ by Valie Export / Peter Weibel 1968]
  • SKM #14: With Love from Kaa­ri­na [ref. to ‘Tom of Fin­land Stamps (unti­tled)’ by Tom of Fin­land (Touko Laak­so­nen) 1978 — 1979]
  • SKM #15: Hel­lo Shit­storm [ref. to ‘My Dear­est Cat Pinkelt­je / Dear­est Tin­ke­bell’ by Tin­ke­bell 2009]
  • SKM #16: Shoko­lad [ref. to ‘Frieden­shase mit Zube­hör (Ein­schmelzung der Zarenkro­ne)’ by Joseph Beuys 1982]
  • SKM #17: I Don’t Care If You Shoot [ref. to ‘Still Live’ by Edward & Nan­cy Red­din Kien­holz 1974]
  • SKM #18: Nail Putin [ref. to ‘Moth­er of God, dri­ve Putin away (A Punk Prayer)’ by Pussy Riot 2012]
  • SKM #19: It’s Always Hot Upstairs [ref. to ‘Made in Heav­en – Ilona on Top (Rosa)’ by Jeff Coons 1991]
  • SKM #20: Play­ground 2010 [ref. to ‘Petra’ by Mar­cel Wall­dorf 2010]
  • SKM #21: Call Me [ref. to ‘Ele­ment 6’ by Christoph Büchel 2010]
  • SKM #22: Made in Chi­na [ref. to ‘Tat­tooed Pigs / Art Farm’ by Wim Delvoye 1997]
  • SKM #23: Froschmahl [ref. to ‘Das Gespenst’ by Her­bert Achtern­busch 1982]
  • SKM #24: Make Putin Great Again [ref. to ‘Man at the Cross­roads’ by Diego Rivera 1932 — 1934]
  • SKM #25: Watschen­man [ref. to ‘Altenberg Lieder op4 (Skan­dalkonz­ert von 1913)’ by Alban Berg 1912 — 1913]
  • SKM #26: Blocher — Hund [ref. to ‘Swiss-Swiss Democ­ra­cy’ by Thomas Hirschhorn 2004]
  • SKM #27: Poor Copy [ref. to ‘Foun­tain’ by Mar­cel Duchamp 1917]
  • SKM #28: Prince Y [ref. to ‘Princess X’ by Bran­cusi 1915 — 1916]
  • SKM #29: Punk Has Been Dead a Long Time Before [ref. to ‘K Foun­da­tion burn a Mil­lion Quid’ by K Foun­da­tion (Drum­mond & Cau­ty) 1995]
  • SKM #30: Scroll on a Roll [ref. to ‘Inte­ri­or Scroll’ by Car­olee Schnee­mann 1975]
  • SKM #31: Blender in a Sit­u­a­tion [ref. to ‘Hele­na’ by Mar­co Evarist­ti 2000]
  • SKM #32: Dead Dia­monds [ref. to ‘For the Love of God’ by Damien Hirst 2007]
  • SKM #33: PSED [ref. to ’16/67 20. Sep­tem­ber’ by Gün­ter Brus 1967]
  • SKM #34: Kill the Artist [ref. to ‘245 m³’ by San­ti­a­go Sier­ra 2006]
  • SKM #35: Chick­en on the Run [ref. to ‘How to snatch a Chick­en’ by Voina 2010]
  • SKM #36: After-Action-Report [ref. to ‘Das Kak­a­bet’ by gelitin 2007]
  • SKM #37: Enter Courbet [ref. to ‘After Courbet, L´origine du Monde (EU Panties)’ by Tan­ja Osto­jić 2005]
  • SKM #38: Grüße aus dem Schützen­graben [ref. to ‘Schützen­graben’ by Otto Dix 1921 — 1923]
  • SKM #39: Die Rück­führung der Scham [ref. to ‘Il Giudizio Uni­ver­sale (The Last Judge­ment)’ by Michelan­ge­lo 1536 — 1541]
  • SKM #40: A Bed is a Bed is a Bed [ref. to ‘My Bed’ by Tracey Emin 1998]
(Pho­tos: Jakob Dietrich)