Battle fields of the electronic desert

Schwest­ern Brüll (AUT) /// 
Eva Egermann (AUT) /// 
Eye­BM (AUT) /// 
Fritz Oster­may­er (AUT) /// 
Tom Lam­ber­ty (GER) ///

Fri, Decem­ber 19 2003, 20:00 /// 
Upper Aus­tri­an Fed­er­al State Library, Linz ///

BATTLE FIELDS OF THE ELECTRONIC DESERT is part of the exper­i­men­tal series q_# of qujOchÖ and takes place in the read­ing room of the Upper Aus­tri­an Fed­er­al State Library. Two exper­i­ments are held: 1. Eva Egermann (Vien­na) is com­pet­ing against one of the sis­ters Brüll (Vien­na): unpre­dictabil­i­ty as exper­i­men­tal arrange­ment, the attempt of glo­ri­fy­ing fail­ure and the clash of hero­ines and rev­o­lu­tion­ary young fem­i­nists. 2. The project Eye­BM with “what you see is what you hear” show an audio-visu­al piece of bro­ken com­put­er monitors.

The library, which actu­al­ly is a place of knowl­edge, silence and relax­ation, or even bet­ter: an archive of con­cen­tra­tion; gets rearranged into a noisy and dis­turb­ing con­cert hall. Boffins who are silent­ly and iso­lat­ed read­ing their books, and are get­ting replaced by lis­ten­ing peo­ple danc­ing between har­mo­ny and dissonance.

On the same evening qujOchÖ invites the hero of the Aus­tri­an “Dilet­tan­ten­stadls”, Fritz Oster­may­er, jour­nal­ist, FM4-radio-man, DJ, author, actor, guest speak­er and musician.

On top of that a lec­ture of Tom Lam­ber­ty (Merve-Ver­lag) read­ing parts of the book of qrt “bat­tle field of the elec­tron­ic desert” takes place: “Many peo­ple expect that Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger goes to the next war, because he is the strongest man alive. Mean­while oth­ers think that the Gulf War is just a pro­duc­tion of Warn­er Broth­ers or Colum­bia Pic­tures.” (Qrt, bat­tle fields of the elec­tron­ic desert, Merve, Berlin 1999)

qrt alias Markus Kon­radin Lein­er, the­o­rist and bar­keep­er, dies 1995 by an over­dose of hero­ine. Pub­li­ca­tions at Merve: bat­tle fields of the elec­tron­ic desert (1999), Tek­kno­log­ic (1999), Drachen­saat (2000)

Tom Lam­ber­ty, friend of qrt of many years and pub­lish­er of his works at Merve, Berlin, is con­sul­tant of strate­gies and so on His focal points of inter­ests are mis­sile heads, E‑HR, last dish­es, sil­hou­ettes of scis­sors, sounds of helicopter.

Entrance just for dilet­tante hero­ines and heroes …

[nggallery id=67] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)