Radikal Destruktion

Bil­ly Roisz (AUT) /// 
Mar­ta Zap­paroli (ITA) ///

Wed, Feb­ru­ary 25 2015, 21:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Mar­ta Zap­paroli is an Ital­ian exper­i­men­tal sound artist, impro­vis­er, per­former based in Berlin since 2007. Work­ing for the last thir­teen years with field-record­ings, she tries to find sounds by break­ing and inter­rupt­ing the usual/predictable mov­ing tra­jec­to­ries with­in and between spaces. Recent­ly she has been focus­ing on sounds in our envi­ron­ment that are unper­ceiv­able for the human ear.

Bil­ly Roisz is an Aus­tri­an exper­i­men­tal video and sound artist liv­ing in Vien­na. She is spe­cial­ized in feed­back video using mon­i­tors, cam­eras, video mix­ingdesks, a self­built videosynth, com­put­er, bass gui­tar and turnta­bles for video and sound generating.

This is only the sec­ond time they will per­form togeth­er after their debut at the VELAK gala #86 at the brut konz­erthaus in Vienna.


(Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

Live-Set Bil­ly Roisz & Mar­ta Zapparoli:
[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=“https://archive.org/download/RadikalDestruktionBillyRoiszMartaZapparoliQujOchOE/Radikal_Destruktion_Billy_Roisz_Marta_Zapparoli_qujOchOE.mp3”]
