PussyVision @ Open Air Ottensheim 2019

PussyVi­sion (USA)

Fri, June 28 2019 ///
Open Air Otten­sheim 2019 ///

PussyVi­sion aka Fin­ley Janes is a gen­der queer witch house pro­duc­er, per­for­mance artist and noise musi­cian. She describes her­self as “liv­ing looney­tune” and her genre as “dark indus­tri­al hell”. To say that Fin­ley Janes is pro­duc­ing exper­i­men­tal elec­tron­ic music in this project would be an understatement.

An arti­cle in the Phoenix New Times states: “7 Women Noise Musi­cians You Need to Know: Exper­i­men­tal artist Fin­ley Janes per­forms as an alter-ego named Pussy. Com­bin­ing spo­ken word with per­for­mance art ele­ments (like masks and strange cos­tumes), PussyVi­sion plays music that mix­es togeth­er harsh indus­tri­al noise with queer pop. Her oeu­vre is engag­ing yet unnerv­ing — her sounds and visions dare you to come a lit­tle bit clos­er and pay atten­tion, while the vocals and gnarled nois­es ema­nat­ing from the speak­ers are lac­er­at­ing your sens­es.” (https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/music/women-noise-musicians-lana-del-rabies-irene-moon-pussyvision-e-alo-9596279)

In sum­mer 2018 her album Replicate:// came out, the announced Hazardville:// is eager­ly await­ed. Her style com­bines harsh elec­tron­ics, heavy beats and haunt­ing vocals to cre­ate bru­tal images of trau­ma and recov­ery. PussyVi­sion cre­ates dynam­ic tracks live on stage with ana­log synths, an MPC 1000 and loop ped­als. She oscil­lates unpre­dictably between ethe­re­al singing, blood­thirsty screams, child­ish sobs and throaty howls with lyrics that speak inti­mate­ly of fear, dis­so­ci­a­tion, vio­lent fan­tasies and the regain­ing of strength after a trauma.

The live per­for­mances of PussyVi­sion (com­plete with home­made masks and cos­tumes, often glit­ter­ing with fur) are some­times described as “expe­ri­enc­ing indus­tri­al hell” and “wit­ness­ing a delu­sion­al cyber­witch”. Or as a cacoph­o­nous sound­scape that could be inter­pret­ed as a nature-fight­ing indus­try — an over­grown indus­tri­al dis­trict hos­tile to plants and birds, but still rebound­ing from the ruins of a for­mer self.

PussyVi­sion comes to Europe for the first time in sum­mer 2019. As part of qujOchÖ’s 100% Female series she will per­form at this year’s Open Air Ottensheim.


[nggallery id=298] Pho­tos: qujOchÖ / Lisa Leeb