2022 |

ZWEITE WELLE – Calendar, Fine Art Print


High Qual­i­ty Fine Art Print Pho­tog­ra­phy Cal­en­dar with­out year num­ber, ever­last­ing cal­en­dar. Mat­te print. Months are writ­ten in Ger­man. Lim­it­ed Art­work: Only 10 pieces will be sold altogether.

Order with ship­ping or arrange pick-up with us at Waldeg­gstraße 116, Linz.


Zweite Welle – Second Wave

Everlasting calendar (without year number), photographs, fine art print

A cycli­cal col­lec­tion of pho­tographs in bicy­cle couri­er mode, escapist lock­down walks in the sound­scape of nature spots close to the city, and the (first) un-year 2020, where the con­cept cal­en­dar “Sec­ond Wave” start­ed its dis­tanced real­iza­tion. Two par­rots guard the lost per­cep­tion of time and log­ic until the next sub­sti­tute sat­is­fac­tion is found; until we sim­ply turn the page. 

The sin­gle pages of the cal­en­dar (in glossy-ver­­sion) have been exhib­it­ed in May 2021: https://qujochoe.org/archive/en/zweite-welle/



Additional information

Dimen­sions 60 × 42 × 0.8 cm