Myth of Theuth @ SXSW 2019

Fri, March 8 — Sun, March 17 2019 /// 
SXSW South by South­west Fes­ti­val 2019, UNESCO Media Arts Exhi­bi­tion, Cen­tral Library, 710 César Chavez Street, TX 78701, USA ///

Head­ing to the Lone Star State!

MYTH OF THEUTH goes over­seas. The board and par­lour game for artists, philoso­phers and gods will be pre­sent­ed for one week at the UNESCO Media Arts Exhi­bi­tion at this year’s SXSW South by South­west in Austin, Texas, one of the largest and most impor­tant fes­ti­vals for film, music and inter­ac­tive media in the Unit­ed States.

MYTH OF THEUTH is a media-philo­soph­i­cal board game devel­oped by the Aus­tri­an art col­lec­tive qujOchÖ. While walk­ing through ancient Athens, up to sev­en peo­ple gath­er dif­fer­ent media and get in touch with media-philo­soph­i­cal celebri­ties from the ancient world to the present. Vilém Flusser dri­ves aside the telem­at­ic soci­ety ad nau­se­am, Lau­ra Mul­vey takes a joy­ful look at our mem­o­ry and Mar­shall McLuhan final­ly gets his well-deserved mas­sage. Smart­phones, news­pa­pers, Lego bricks, sleep­ing masks, stamps, liqueur and oth­er media are used through twelve unique stations.

Sup­port­ed by the Arts and Cul­ture Divi­sion of the Fed­er­al Chan­cellery of Aus­tria, Depart­ment II/6, and Linz­EX­POrt 2018.

Read more about MYTH OF THEUTH:

Pho­tos: qujOchÖ
