Miss Magnetiq. Episode 4: North Pole — South Pole — Cow Dung
October 2018 ///
Vorderstoder ///
After an extended educational leave, attending numerous cooking classes and a stay abroad in Magnetopol, Miss Magnetiq has reappeared on the screen. In her current episode, together with her assistants Nickel, Cobalt and Manganese as well as two cow assistants, she dedicates herself to an important task, namely the research of magnetic cows.
A few years ago, Miss Magnetiq became aware of this research object during her daily lecture of ORF Online articles: “Farmers have known this phenomenon for a long time: Cows like to look in the same direction when grazing. There were many hypotheses to justify this behaviour, including the fact that they turn towards the sun so that as large a part of their body as possible is illuminated. However, this left the question open why the animals also show a clear orientation on cloudy days. Hynek Burda and his colleagues therefore examined another thesis three years ago, namely that cows follow earth magnetism. To prove this, they analysed a total of 308 pictures of pastures on which around 8,500 animals grazed — all taken from the satellite image program Google Earth. The evaluation, which the researchers described as ’statistically significant’, clearly indicated a north-south orientation of the cows”. (ORF Online, 15 November 2011)
In a scientific test series in autumn 2018, Miss Magnetiq tried to change the north-south orientation of a herd of cows on a Vorderstoder Alm in Upper Austria with her superpowers. Without success. Cobalt’s commented on this succinctly: “!gnud oomylwoC !citengam epon oomylwoC”
Photos: qujOchÖ