Marching Order Experiment 1

Extra Action March­ing Band (USA) ///

Mon, August 9 2004, 17:00 /// 
Blumauer Platz, Linz ///

Open­ing cer­e­mo­ny of the quitch

An extra ordi­nary march for qujOchÖ: open­ing of the new impulse cen­tre for exper­i­men­tal art and culture

It’s done! qujOchÖ opens its new place at the Untere Donaulände on 9th of August 2009 with a bom­bas­tic spec­ta­cle, a small freak rev­o­lu­tion, a hyper-rhi­zomorph super­clash. The EXTRA ACTION MARCHING BAND was engaged for this occa­sion, a for­ma­tion from San Fran­cis­co doing a spe­cial kind of parade with a bunch of peo­ple. Start­ing from Blumauer Platz the whole demon­stra­tion march is mov­ing along the Land­straße. Linz has not seen this before! The EXTRA ACTION MARCHING BAND is becom­ing big­ger and big­ger dur­ing this mag­i­cal pro­ces­sion, is doing some cir­cuits on the main square, pass­ing the Art muse­um Lentos and final­ly arriv­ing at the new accom­mo­da­tion of qujOchÖ, fol­lowed by a wob­bling, ass-shak­ing, stamp­ing and yelling crowd.

The EXTRA ACTION MACHRING BAND is dressed like a typ­i­cal Amer­i­can march­ing band, with fit­ting uni­forms, feath­ered hats, buzz-drums, trum­pets, flag-girls and a sousa­phone. But, as the name sug­gests: this march­ing band has its pecu­liar­i­ties: a scant­i­ly clad flag team that rubs and push­es in of step, a pace­mak­er with mega­phone, com­ment­ing rough­ly the pro­ces­sion, a RonaldM­c­Don­ald sausage trum­pet and a pro­nounced ten­den­cy just to go where one actu­al­ly should not go. Simon Cheffins, founder of EXTRA ACTION MARCHING BAND, says “It’s about move­ment, excite­ment and inten­si­ty, it’s about get­ting peo­ple to let go. Our shows used to be extreme­ly con­fronta­tion­al, but we’re now more inter­est­ed in play­ing around with the con­text of the march­ing band.” (The Wire, “Soul Desert”, 11/2003). To explains the music: EXTRA ACTION MARCHING BAND is like FANFARE CIOCARLA, mixed with sound­track and style in between „ I know what you did last­sum­mer …“ and „From Dusk Till Dawn“ and 9 times MELTED MEN with a splash of COSTES. We expect a com­plete ad-absur­dum of con­ven­tion­al march­ing parades, an antipode to the Pflaster­spek­takel of Linz, or as it is writ­ten in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Guardian: “Watch­ing the mem­bers of the Extra Action March­ing Band jam is sort of like going to your high school’s foot­ball half-time show on acid, except it’s more acidic.” (SF Bay Guardian’s Best of Bay, Reader’s Poll: Best Rock Band, 7. März 2003).

Guests are wel­come at any time in the new accom­mo­da­tion of qujOchÖ and allied artists at the Untere Donaulände 10!

[nggallery id=73] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

(Camera/Editing: Lois Gutauer)

(Camera/Editing: Lois Gutauer)