Low Dose Fizzy Pop

Gold­en Diskó Ship (GER) /// 
Canned Fit (AUT) ///

Sat, May 27 2017, 21:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Gold­en Diskó Ship is There­sa Stroet­ges, a Berlin-based mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist and video artist who per­forms live as a one-girl orches­tra: “Her imag­i­na­tive sound­scapes, shift­ing from del­i­cate melod­ic lines steeped in nos­tal­gia to the feed­back arcs and tex­tured dis­tor­tion of machine abuse, evoke lucid dreams and have won crit­i­cal praise for their fresh, eclec­tic col­lages of elec­tron­ic and acoustic sound […]” (CTM con­certs) Gold­en Diskó Ship is dock­ing at qujOchÖs har­bour bring­ing along her 3rd album called Imag­i­nary Boys: “[…] One dom­i­nant com­po­si­tion­al ele­ment of Imag­i­nary Boys is a delib­er­ate use of time, influ­enced by the per­cep­tion of elec­tron­ic music and tech­no.” (Karl­records)

Canned Fit aka Chris­tine Schörkhu­ber is influ­enced by singer/songwriting, dance music, garage punk, New Music, exper­i­men­tal elec­tron­ics and muzak – but above all by lis­ten­ing close­ly to the con­stant sound of the world and its peo­ple all around. Cir­cuit-bend­ing, motor­ized cans, sound­ing stovepipes, machines, met­al, glass, pot­tery shards, stone, elec­tron­ic con­struc­tions and min­i­mal­is­tic instru­men­tal melodies are as well part of her pecu­liar sound aes­thet­ics as drones, feed­back, field record­ings, intri­cate beats and of course her spe­cial voice. Her elec­tron­ic inter­faces are built by herself.

(Camera/Editing: Parisa Ghasemi)

(Pho­tos: Eva777)

Live-Set Gold­en Diskó Ship:
[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=“https://archive.org/download/LowDoseFizzyPop/Low_Dose_Fizzy_Pop_GOLDEN_DISKO_SHIP.mp3”]


Live-Set Canned Fit:
[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=“https://archive.org/download/LowDoseFizzyPop/Low_Dose_Fizzy_Pop_CANNED_FIT.mp3”]


Com­plete Record­ings at archive.org