Linzbased #6: Monica Vlad & Anni Taskula

Mon­i­ca Vlad (RO) ///
Anni Tasku­la (FI) ///

Thu, Decem­ber 5 2019, 8 p.m. ///
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

When inter­na­tion­al ten­ders, calls and appli­ca­tions are made or bio­graph­i­cal infor­ma­tion is trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish, it is not uncom­mon to indi­cate the ori­gin with the cen­tre of one’s life and work – sup­ple­ment­ed by the term „based“. But what does it mean, this „Linzbased“?

qujOchÖ sets out to find it. At reg­u­lar inter­vals, artists liv­ing and work­ing in Linz are invit­ed to a talk. Those will not only focus on the cur­rent work of the artists, their used meth­ods, tech­niques and mate­ri­als, or by whom they are influ­enced in their work, but also on the liv­ing and work­ing envi­ron­ment that the city of Linz offers them.

What do you val­ue most about Linz? What still keeps you in this city? How often have you thought of mov­ing away for­ev­er? What influ­ence does the Linz art and cul­ture scene have on your own actions? What do you miss? Is there such a thing as a „Linz cul­ture“? What does Linzbased mean to your­self? And in any case: What’s a Linz?

For the sixth edi­tion of „Linzbased“ Mon­i­ca Vlad and Anni Tasku­la are invit­ed for a talk.

[nggallery id=304] Pho­tos: qujOchÖ

Mon­i­ca Vlad, lives and works in Linz

Mon­i­ca Vlad designs and devel­ops new media instal­la­tions and spaces. She uses new tech­nol­o­gy as an artis­tic medi­um of expres­sion and as a medi­um for the inter­ac­tive and audio visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The sound of her per­for­mances is main­ly based on noise, ambi­ent, exper­i­men­tal music, rang­ing from low to very high fre­quences that one can bare­ly hear, from min­i­mal to glitch, from ana­log to digital.

In her sec­ond life she is con­tent design­er at Pix­el­Trend, a Mobile App Devel­op­er locat­ed in Linz.

Anni Tasku­la, lives and works in Linz

Anni Tasku­la is a free­lance dancer and a cul­ture pro­duc­er cur­rent­ly based in Linz, Aus­tria. Grad­u­at­ed in Cul­ture Man­age­ment (BA, Helsin­ki, 2012) and Stage Dance and Ped­a­gogy (BA, Linz, 2015) her artis­tic work includes bal­anc­ing between pro­duc­tion and man­age­ment as well as per­for­mance and choreography.

Cur­rent­ly she is per­form­ing with the Linz based dance col­lec­tive “The Crew Dance Pro­duc­tions” and assists chore­o­g­ra­phers Jarkko Man­delin / Kinet­ic Orches­tra (FIN), Sita Ostheimer (DE) as well as BODHI PROJECT dance com­pa­ny (AT) in tour man­age­ment. She teach­es dance and Gyroki­ne­sis work­shops, devel­ops and co-orga­nizes art events and fes­ti­vals such as Body/Sound/Space (2013–2015, Linz, Aus­tria) and EAST POINT WEST (2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).