Linzbased #1: Julia Hinterberger & Georg Pinteritsch



Thu, Decem­ber 6 2018, 8 p.m. ///
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

When inter­na­tion­al ten­ders, calls and appli­ca­tions are made or bio­graph­i­cal infor­ma­tion is trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish, it is not uncom­mon to indi­cate the ori­gin with the cen­tre of one’s life and work – sup­ple­ment­ed by the term „based“.

But what does it mean, this „Linzbased“?

qujOchÖ sets out to find it. At reg­u­lar inter­vals, artists liv­ing and work­ing in Linz are invit­ed to a talk. Those will not only focus on the cur­rent work of the artists, their used meth­ods, tech­niques and mate­ri­als, or by whom they are influ­enced in their work, but also on the liv­ing and work­ing envi­ron­ment that the city of Linz offers them.

What do you val­ue most about Linz? What still keeps you in this city? How often have you thought of mov­ing away for­ev­er? What influ­ence does the Linz art and cul­ture scene have on your own actions? What do you miss? Is there such a thing as a „Linz cul­ture“? What does Linzbased mean to your­self? And in any case: What’s a Linz?

For the first edi­tion of „Linzbased“ Julia Hin­ter­berg­er and Georg Pin­ter­itsch are invit­ed for a talk.

[nggallery id=223] Pho­tos: qujOchÖ

Julia Hin­ter­berg­er, b. 1985, lives and works in Linz

2004 — 2007 Study of the­ol­o­gy at KTU Linz.
2006 ‑ 2014 Stud­ies of fine arts at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Art Linz, paint­ing and graph­ic arts with Ursu­la Hübner.
2012 Eras­mus study stay in Tallinn, Est­land, Eston­ian Acad­e­my Of Arts, Per­form­ing Arts and master’s class with Jaan Toomik.

Exhi­bi­tions and projects at KAPU (Linz), Raum­schiff (Linz), HolzHaus (Linz), Nordi­co City Muse­um (Linz), Kün­stlervere­ini­gung MAERZ (Linz), Gallery of the city of Wels, City Muse­um St. Pöl­ten, Gallery Schloss Parz, Kubin­haus Zwick­ledt, art gallery Ges­so (Vien­na), Kul­turzen­trum Schmelze (Vien­na), Trakl­haus (Salzburg), Ste­fan Zweig Cen­tre Salzburg, Schaustelle (Vien­na), Tar­tu Art House (Esto­nia), Gallery Metropol (Tallinn, Estonia).

Georg Pin­ter­itsch, b. 1986, lives and works in Linz

2008 — 2015 Stud­ies of fine arts at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Art Linz, paint­ing and graph­ic arts with Ursu­la Hübner.

Exhi­bi­tions and projects at Raum­schiff (Linz), Ate­lier­haus Salzamt Linz, Kun­sthalle Linz, Nordi­co City Muse­um (Linz), Gallery of the city of Wels, S.I.X. Wohnz­im­mer­ga­lerie (See­walchen), City Muse­um St. Pöl­ten, red car­pet show­rooms (Vien­na), Ste­fan Zweig Cen­tre Salzburg, Periscope (Salzburg), Deutschvil­la (Strobl), Gallery Frei­haus­gasse (Vil­lach), Gallery měs­ta Plzně (Plzeň, Czech Repub­lic), JEDNA DVA TRI Gallery (Pra­ha, Czech Repub­lic), Div­ingschool (Bris­tol, Eng­land), MOCAK/RE Gallery (Kraków, Poland), Museu de Aveiro (Por­tu­gal), Ekserser­huset (Kris­tiansand, Nor­way), Meno For­ma Galer­i­ja (Kau­nas, Lithuania).