LINZ FMR 19 /// 
Art in dig­i­tal con­texts and pub­lic spaces /// 

Wed 27 March — Sat 30 March, 2019, Donaulände, Linz, Austria ///
Open­ing: Wednes­day, March 27, at 5:00 p.m., LENTOS Freiraum /// 

LINZ FMR is a bien­ni­al for­mat for art in dig­i­tal con­texts and pub­lic spaces. The first edi­tion will take place at the end of March 2019 in Linz, Austria.

The heart of the for­mat is an exhi­bi­tion in pub­lic and open space with works by inter­na­tion­al and local artists who deal with art in dig­i­tal con­texts. An edu­ca­tion pro­gram with dif­fer­ent tours and a sup­port­ing pro­gram with lec­tures, con­certs and dis­cus­sions will accom­pa­ny the exhi­bi­tion, to reflect on new approach­es, work­ing meth­ods and devel­op­ments relat­ed to art in dig­i­tal contexts.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing artists of the first edition:

LINZ FMR 19 is curat­ed and orga­nized by the Linz art and cul­tur­al ini­tia­tives qujOchÖ and, the Ate­lier­haus Salzamt, the Depart­ment of Cul­tur­al Stud­ies of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Design Linz and the STURM UND DRANG GALERIE.

More infor­ma­tion and detailed pro­gram:


Pho­tos: Jür­gen Grünwald



Pho­tos: Jür­gen Grün­wald, Jakob Diet­rich, Vio­le­ta Wakolbinger


Symposium, concerts, artist talks & closing party

Pho­tos: Davide Bevilac­qua, Patri­cia Cadavid, Thomas Philipp


Main funders

Main sponsors


Cooperation partners