Konzeptgenerator 3.0: Presentation

Wed, Sep­tem­ber 4 2013, 19:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

We all know that feel­ing: again anoth­er dead­line that is approach­ing! As an artist you are con­stant­ly urged to devel­op new ideas and con­cepts result­ing in sleep­less nights and uncount­able pim­ples. Not enough time for too much work that is under­paid any­way. The per­son­nel costs: subterranean.

Time for con­cept devel­op­ment is nev­er com­pen­sat­ed. One appli­ca­tion is fol­lowed by the next. Five min­utes before dead­line at the post office, if an online sub­mis­sion is not pos­si­ble. Con­stant­ly there is the temp­ta­tion to recy­cle old con­cepts. Here a new title, there a new para­graph, or a new quote, quick­ly adapt­ing the timetable (ide­al­ly by sim­ply exchang­ing the year date) and the finan­cial cal­cu­la­tion – and voila! Cope with the entry reg­u­la­tions and con­text – know­ing that the jury will prob­a­bly real­ize it. Was there already a sim­i­lar project before? Google for all one‘s worth (e.g. The Smile of Leonar­do da Vin­ci by Adib Fricke from 1999, a ran­dom gen­er­a­tor that cre­ates sen­tences on fine art). But not to make a fool of one self‘s, not to do a Gut­ten­berg, avoid copy-and-paste!

qujOchÖ has thought about it and built an Idea-Shit­ting-Machine. Or more ele­gant­ly put: a con­cept generator.

For this pur­pose numer­ous project appli­ca­tions of the last years by art and cul­ture ini­tia­tives as well as indi­vid­ual artists were col­lect­ed. These were frag­ment­ed into sin­gle, put into a dig­i­tal machine and processed by a phys­i­cal machine. Via a dif­fi­cult and com­plex mech­a­nism new con­cepts were cre­at­ed by the machine.

But intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty has to be hon­ored in the Make-It-Fake-It-Share-It-Era. For each gen­er­at­ed con­cept mon­ey was dis­trib­uted to the orig­i­nal artists or ini­tia­tives, depend­ing on the per­cent­age of the part that is includ­ed in the gen­er­at­ed concept.


Jakob Diet­rich, Thomas Philipp, There­sa Schu­bert (alle qujOchÖ)

Cécile Bucher

Con­cepts sup­plied by:
Aktion­s­ge­mein­schaft Social Impact
Clemens Kogler
Mar­tin Music
Rein­hard Gupfinger
Stephan Blumenschein

(Pho­tos: Max­i­m­il­ian Anelli-Monti) (Pho­tos: Flo­ri­an Voggeneder)

(Camera/Editing: Michael Wirthig)

### Video of the presentation
(Cam­era: Michael Wirthig, Edit­ing: qujOchÖ)