Forum Dialog x Schießhalle + qujOchÖ Concert Night

Forum Dia­log x Schießhalle + qujOchÖ Konzert-Abend

Thu, 30.3.2023, Talk: 19:00, Con­cert: 20:30
Venue: Wirtshaus zur Schießhalle, Waldeg­gstraße 116, Linz

The No Wow Wows
Imag­ine the sound of surf­ing rats, an explod­ing dog and a dying chick­en. That togeth­er is the sound of The No Wow Wows.
Gui­tar: John­ny Geiger, Keys: Ape Lee, Drums: Lin­sky Drop

Bibi Fin­ster
Bibi lives and works as an artist in Aus­tria. She pro­duces and mix­es her com­po­si­tions her­self. Her broth­er-in-law, Philipp Fin­ster, accom­pa­nies her on bass. The sounds move between elec­tron­ic beats, looped gui­tars, field record­ings, lots of voice and even more bass. 

Quatsch mit Sosa
Quatsch mit SoSa are Son­ja Kuzmics and Sarah Maria Schmidt. They have been mak­ing songs from found lyrics, melodies for lim­ber ears and beats for loose stomp­ing and sway­ing legs since 2018. The audi­ence is invit­ed to doo­dle on their hat-shaped eggheads through­out the per­for­mance via Win­dows Paint projection.

forum Dia­log x Schießhalle
As part of forum Dia­log, we vis­it grad­u­ates of Linz’s Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts at their work­places. As hosts, they intro­duce them­selves and their work, tak­ing us behind the scenes of their institution.

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