Eccosystem Hygiene

… presents *live show Eccosys­tem Hygiene ///

Thu, Sep­tem­ber 10 2020, 20:00 ///
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Alob­he is a con­tem­po­rary artist resid­ing in Berlin. In her prac­tice she works with sound as sculp­ture reach­ing across a wide range of gen­res. In the recent past, she has exper­i­ment­ed with club-cul­ture, com­bin­ing ele­ments of noize, dark ambi­ent, low-fi and black met­al among oth­er gen­res — often into a fore­bod­ing son­ic assault with an under­ly­ing impulse towards the indus­tri­al and rave dance­floor. Recent releas­es include her debut EP “State Space” on Toba­go Tracks in late 2017, fol­lowed by a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Acolytres for the “Ner­vous Sys­tem” com­pi­la­tion on Alien Jams and con­tri­bu­tions to com­pi­la­tions by Intrud­er Alert and Nyx Unchained. She has per­formed at OHM and Berghain in Berlin, CTM Fes­ti­val in Berlin, Son­ic Acts Fes­ti­val in Ams­ter­dam, Creepy Teepee Fes­ti­val in Kut­ná Hora, and Fuchs­bau Fes­ti­val in Lehrte.

In her live shows, themed around zeit­geist-hyper­re­al­i­ty with a crit­i­cal out­look into future per­spec­tives (the philo­soph­i­cal, soci­o­log­i­cal and polit­i­cal cyber-human mechan­ics), Alob­he explores the inti­mate nature of sound and most impor­tant­ly its role as a form of hon­est com­mu­ni­ca­tion and its direct impact on ones per­cep­tion of reality.

[nggallery id=307] Fotos: qujOchÖ