
dieb13 (AUT) ///

Thu, Novem­ber 10 2005, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, quitch ///

since the late 80’s con­tin­ious work on the uti­liza­tion of play­back-devices for audio-cas­settes, vinyl records, cds, hard­disks and ip pro­to­cols as instru­ments. solo per­for­mance inter alia as dieb13, dieb14, takeshi fumi­mo­to, bot, ech­e­lon, dieter bohlen. mem­ber in dif­fer­ent for­ma­tions inter alia (c), print­er, efzeg, eh, Not­The­Same­Col­or. live col­lab­o­ra­tions with numer­ous musi­cians. relaeas­es with the labels amoe­bic, antifrost, charhiz­ma, doc, duri­an, erst­while, for4ears, grob, hathut, mego, orf, pilot.fm, rhiz, staalplaat and transacoustic research. music for var­i­ous the­ater and video pro­duc­tions, as well as instal­la­tions and exhi­bi­tions. opereator of the inter­net plat­form klingt.org . lives as mod­ern­iza­tion-win­ner and objec­tor of copy­rights in vien­na fuenfhaus.
