Corenighthike Mursat

Reni & Jogi Hofmüller (AUT) /// 

Wed, Novem­ber 20 2013, 20:15 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

To the sol­id core of the servus-com­mu­ni­ty belong numer­ous artists and cre­atives. With “CoreNightHikes” servus asks, what those more close­ly involved and the com­mu­ni­ty are actu­al­ly con­cerned about.

On Wednes­day, Novem­ber 20th 2013, servus & qujOchÖ invite CORENIGHTHIKE MURSAT into the quitch. Maybe the project group around the MURSAT will send a self-built satel­lite to space soon? The project start­ed with the first avail­able satel­lite assem­bly kit from Interor­bital Sys­tems. In many respects, accord­ing to the pro­tag­o­nists of the project, the sit­u­a­tion nowa­days is sim­i­lar to the late 1980s and ear­ly 1990s when access to the inter­net got con­sid­er­ably eas­i­er in the slip­stream of the first boom. Back then many artists immersed into dig­i­tal worlds and made their first steps in the WWW. The chal­lenge lay and lies in explor­ing new spaces and exam­ine them on their characteristics.

(Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)