Cantata dei Popokitzel sonata wie möglich

Klit­clique (AUT) /// 
Abu Gabi (AUT/GER) ///

Fri, Novem­ber 3 2017, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Rough bass­es, rough texts, rough vocoders, a con­stant­ly pro­grammed sys­tem crash: “I am the I‑want-to-sell-my-ova-online-at-a-high-price-although-they-have-not-been-in-the-cold-chain-fem­i­nism”. This is elec­tri­fy­ing, this cre­ates a con­tin­u­ous “Whaaaat?”, this is KLITCLIQUE. When G‑udit and $chwanger, some­times accom­pa­nied by Fau­na aka G‑auna, ded­i­cate them­selves to the bound­aries between art sys­tem (“Your gal­lerist is your best friend”), fem­i­nism (“I am the cap­i­tal­ized I in the mid­dle”) and hip hop (“So good in rap, so bad in bed”) in their self-iron­i­cal per­for­mances every­thing heads direct­ly into one direc­tion: Every­thing is get­ting crushed! Or not?

As local sup­port ABU GABI will appear on the quitchy stage of qujOchÖ, for­mer­ly and actu­al­ly active in col­lab­o­ra­tions like Fud­kanista or DVRST. We don’t know what will hap­pen here but we trust in Tan­ja. Rumors have it that it will be dope, punk, deep, mys­te­ri­ous und glam­orous at the same time.