Can the Subaltern Speak? Postkolonialität und subalterne Artikulation
María do Mar Castro Varela (ESP/GER) ///
Stefan Nowotny (AUT) ///
Wed, February 27 2008, 20:00 ///
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///
in cooperation with eipcp and maiz
Spivak’s essay “Can the Subaltern Speak?” from 1988, never completely translated into German, is one of the key texts of postcolonial theory. Following on from the work of the Indian Subaltern Study Group as well as in a critical examination of poststructuralist theory formations, it focuses centrally on the question of the (in)possibility that subalterns speak. This volume contains a translation of the original version of Spivak’s essay, a documentation of the second version of the text published in 1999, and an introduction by Hito Steyerl. María do Mar Castro Varela and Stefan Nowotny present this book and discuss key positions in Spivak’s theory.
(Photos: qujOchÖ)