Black Box

gold extra (AUT) ///

Open­ing and per­for­mance: Thu, Jan­u­ary 24 2008, 20:00 /// 
Exhi­bi­tion: Fri, Jan­u­ary 25 — Thu, Feb­ru­ar, 7 2008 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Eight remote con­trolled robots and their gigan­to­ma­ni­ac hifi-sys­tem-teacher are the actors of the Ham­let pro­duc­tion Black Box which was spe­cial­ly devel­oped by the artists group gold extra from Salzburg. The stage scene of the work (stage: Susanne Hiller) was hon­ored with the stage scene price Offen­bach­er Löwe.

In the con­text of the plateau arte­fakt the robots con­sist­ing of old turnta­bles, mag­ne­to­phones, wash­ing machines and oth­er tech­ni­cal relicts will inhab­it the quitch for two weeks.

At the open­ing of the exhi­bi­tion the rebel­lious machines will take action in a per­for­mance. After­wards: music by DJ Odd. Visu­als 1n0ut.

Con­cept, Direct­ing: Son­ja Prlic, Karl Zechenter
Design, con­cep­tion and tech­ni­cal real­iza­tion of robots: Wal­ter Schacherbauer
Design of robots and space: Susanne Hiller
Design of teacher-robot: Sebas­t­ian Schindlauer
Sound: Odd and iRoy
Video: 1n0ut (Rein­hold Bid­ner, Robert Praxmarer)
With the assis­tance of: Mar­tin Gmachl, Anna Grien­berg­er, Sebas­t­ian Grün­er, Tobias Ham­mer­le, Lás­zló Vuray, Sev­erin Weiser

[nggallery id=119] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

(Camera/Editing: qujOchÖ)