Baumarktmusik (Construction store music)

Franz Pomassl (AUT) /// 
Richard Eign­er (AUT) /// 
Kevin Shields (USA) /// 
MSHR (USA) /// 
Ilpo Väisä­nen (FIN) /// 
Bil­ly Roisz (AUT) ///

Wed, Octo­ber 12 2011, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Lawn­mow­er, cord­less screw­driv­er, ham­mer drill, var­nish, brush­es, rib joint pli­ers, sol­der­ing iron – neat­ly arranged. It’s DIY time! The great vari­ety of things that can be found in con­struc­tion stores ani­mates to start exper­i­ments, to make things with one’s hand, or as it is also said: to Do It Your­self. qujOchÖ there­fore invites six audio-visu­al artists to acquire the machin­ery, the equip­ment, the tools and the mate­ri­als of a con­struc­tion store and thus to gen­er­ate sounds. Sounds from, of and for con­struc­tion stores, free of the usu­al Muzak back­ground music.

As a sin­gle per­for­mance, the artists shift the every­day mean­ing of the objects in a fun­da­men­tal way. The objects of the con­struc­tion stores re exam­ined for their rede­vel­op­ment poten­tial and shap­ing prop­er­ties. The inven­to­ry is trans­formed into sound-pro­duc­ing objects, into instru­ments, into qua­si-sculp­tur­al objects and becomes the essen­tial part of a musi­cal per­for­mance in a styl­ized DIY depart­ment. In the spir­it of John Cage, who want­ed to make “[…] audi­ble what is oth­er­wise silent, […] just facil­i­tat­ing recep­tion” or to speak in words from Deleuze and Guat­tari: “The inaudi­ble makes itself heard and the imper­cep­ti­ble appears as such: no longer the song­bird, but the sound mol­e­cule”. In addi­tion to this sin­gle per­for­mance, audio-record­ings from the above-men­tioned per­for­mance are smug­gled into local con­struc­tion store as a replace­ment of the Muzak-music, as a sub­tle embed­ding of the extra­or­di­nary in the ordinary.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing artists:

Franz Pomassl (AUT)

Franz Pomassl is an elec­tron­ic sound and record­ing artist and DJ resid­ing in Vien­na, Aus­tria. He is co-founder of the Aus­tri­an Laton exper­i­men­tal tech­no label. Pomassl has col­lab­o­rat­ed with a num­ber of impor­tant artists across dis­ci­plines, includ­ing Carl Michael von Hauss­wolff, J. G. Thirl­well and Kod­wo Eshun. He impro­vis­es using all man­ner of home­built ana­log elec­tron­ic equip­ment, often insert­ing or con­nect­ing patch cables with parts of his body to intro­duce a delib­er­ate and vio­lent char­ac­ter of noise into dance­floor rhythms. In addi­tion to being notable for absurd, vio­lent, dadaist per­for­mances, he also cre­ates cus­tom instru­men­ta­tion to exam­ine the edges of human-per­cep­ti­ble audio and uses these tools to “elab­o­rate and process rad­i­cal moments”, such as air­craft black­box data col­lect­ed from crash sites.

Richard Eign­er (AUT)

Richard Eign­er is a com­pos­er, drum­mer, sound-artist and pro­duc­er from Linz, Aus­tria. His music cross­es the bor­ders of min­i­mal music, jazz and elec­tron­i­ca with a focus on the sym­bi­ot­ic use of acoustic ele­ments and elec­tron­i­cal­ly pro­duced and processed sounds. His main projects are Denois­ing and the elec­tro-acoustic project Ritor­nell that released its debut-album Gold­en Soli­tude on the renowned Berlin label “Karaoke Kalk” in 2009. Per­for­mances and exhibits include the Sónar Fes­ti­val, Barcelona; TodaysArt Fes­ti­val, Den Haag; Lentos Art Muse­um Linz; RBMA, Mel­bourne; Copen­hagen Jazz Fes­ti­val; Tuned City Fes­ti­val, Berlin; Ars Elec­tron­i­ca Fes­ti­val, Linz.

Spo­ray (USA)

Eva Aguila and Brock Fansler is an exper­i­men­tal noise artist duo, cur­rent­ly resid­ing in Port­land, OR. Their sound-accom­pa­nied ges­tured per­for­mance is both the source and the dri­ving force behind her con­cep­tu­al sound-mak­ing. Throb­bing and grind­ing gear dis­tor­tions and angel­ic dig­i­tal bursts slow­ly can­cel each oth­er out cre­at­ing addi­tives that are nei­ther impa­tient nor dead. Com­posed using mag­net­ic tape manip­u­lat­ed through film-edit­ing machines, the move­ment required to cre­ate these sounds is of cen­tral importance.


MSHR is a sen­so­ry project by Birch Coop­er and Bren­na Mur­phy based in Port­land Ore­gon, USA. They impro­vise with home made elec­tron­ic instru­ments, sculp­ture and move­ment to facil­i­tate zones in which por­tals emerge. Mur­phy and Coop­er are also found­ing mem­bers of the art col­lec­tive Ore­gon Paint­ing Soci­ety, which has cre­at­ed numer­ous inter­ac­tive instal­la­tions and per­for­mances includ­ing exhi­bi­tions at the Tate Mod­ern and the Port­land Bien­ni­al. In her solo work, Mur­phy uses video, com­put­er gen­er­at­ed imagery and sound col­lage to craft cyber tapes­tries embed­ded in web-inter­faces. Coop­er syn­the­sizes exper­i­men­tal music using bio-elec­tron­ic tech­nol­o­gy of his own design and chan­nels burn­ing spir­it-world oceans with Port­land bands The Slaves and The Greys. MSHR stares into accor­dian mir­rors using tri­clop­sian sleep masks as X‑ray gog­gles to reach back into the roots of human con­scious­ness and for­ward to what­ev­er dreams may come between our torched out organ­ic forms and the cyber over-mind.

Ilpo Väisä­nen (FIN)

Togeth­er with Mika Vainio, Ilpo Väisä­nen was part of the finnish duo Pan Son­ic, one of the most ground-break­ing and inno­vat­ing projects in con­tem­po­rary elec­tron­ic music. In a musi­cal form in which sequenc­ing and record­ing music using com­put­ers is stan­dard, the group was known for record­ing every­thing live, straight to DAT (Dig­i­tal Audio Tape) using home-made and mod­i­fied syn­the­siz­ers and effect units. In Decem­ber 2009 their split was announced. Mika and Ilpo will con­tin­ue with their own solo projects. Ilpos for­mer releas­es on his own label “Kan­ga­roo”, a sub-label of Raster-Noton, have shown clear his per­son­al affin­i­ty to dub-music. Actu­al­ly he is also play­ing some kind of freeform noise with a ten­dan­cy to drone with Dirk Dres­sel­haus (Schnei­der TM) in the duo “Angel”.

Bil­ly Roisz (AUT)

Bil­ly Roisz is one of the best-known fig­ures on the Aus­tri­an exper­i­men­tal scene. Her abil­i­ty to trans­late exper­i­men­tal music into visu­al mem­o­ry images is par­tic­u­lar­ly note­wor­thy, reveal­ing bor­row­ings from min­i­mal art and con­cep­tu­al art. She spe­cial­izes in feed­back video and video/sound inter­ac­tion by using mon­i­tors, cam­eras, video mix­ingdesks, a self­built videosynth, com­put­er and turnta­bles for video and sound gen­er­at­ing. She has per­formed with Mar­tin Siew­ert, Alvin Luci­er, Mar­tin Bran­dl­mayr, Oto­mo Yoshi­hide, eRikm, Jan Machacek and many more.

[nggallery id=43] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

(Video/Schnitt: qujOchÖ)

(Video/Schnitt: qujOchÖ)

(Video/Schnitt: qujOchÖ)

(Video/Schnitt: qujOchÖ)

(Video/Schnitt: Taife Akca/qujOchÖ)

Live-Set Eigner/Pomassl

Live-Set Rois/Väisänen

Live-Set Sporay/MSHR

Radio broad­cast, ORF Ö1, “Lep­orel­lo”, 18.10.2011