
Dan Rock­er (AUT) /// 
Neon Squid Autop­sy (AUT) /// 
Arhi­zomA (AUT) /// 
DJ Well­Well (AUT) ///

Fri, May 4 2012, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

What has table ten­nis in com­mon with Punk or even Acid sounds? The inter­sec­tion is huge when it comes to qujOchÖ. In a fair­ly crazy spec­ta­cle, a ver­i­ta­ble “tour de force”, qujOchÖ indulges in May 2012 in a merg­ing of dif­fer­ent gen­res and atti­tudes with table ten­nis. And this requires not much: a spe­cial­ly designed ping pong table, flu­o­res­cent play field, strobe lights, some dry ice fog, UV light like in the 80s, mir­rors and reflec­tions, live Acid-Elec­tro with dis­tort­ed Punk atti­tude played over a 4‑channel speak­er set­up, and play­ers who give their utmost. No psy­che­del­ic-hip­py shit, but out-of-the-body expe­ri­ence at the table and in the brain. A whole night long. Who­ev­er remem­bers it, has­n’t expe­ri­enced it.

Spe­cial FX super­vi­sor: Chris­t­ian Leisch

Spon­sored by:

[nggallery id=23] (Pho­tos: Petra Moser)

Audio Arhi­zomA


Audio Dan Rocker


Audio NSA


(Video: Michael Wirthig)