A delusional sonic trip in electromagnetic fields

[ngg src=“galleries” ids=“328” display=“basic_thumbnail”]photos: © Johanka Pošová

FLORA YIN-WONG (UK, live set) ///
MƱDɅKI (BY, live set) ///
RONIT AMON (AT, live set) /// 
I‑ID (IR, dj set) ///

Fri, 19 Jan­u­ary 2024, 8.30 pm ///
Wirtshaus zur Schießhalle, Waldeg­gstraße 116, Linz ///

Join us at Wirtshaus zur Schießhalle for an extra­or­di­nary evening of exper­i­men­tal music fea­tur­ing Flo­ra Yin-Wong, the Lon­don-based artist renowned for her unique blend of ancient instru­ments and mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy. Along­side her, expe­ri­ence two more live sets by mʊdʌ­ki, a new media artist from Belarus known for her immer­sive sound designs and ronit amon, pro­duc­er of merg­ing deep tech­no with melod­ic rhythms. The night will be closed with a DJ-set by I‑ID (I minus ID) from qujOchÖ. This line­up of avant-garde elec­tron­ic artists promis­es a night filled with cap­ti­vat­ing son­ic explorations.

Tick­ets: pre-sale 12 Euros / box office 15 Euros / pre-sale via KUPFticket.com

Flo­ra Yin-Wong is an exper­i­men­tal artist and writer from Lon­don whose work incor­po­rates field record­ings and ear­ly instru­ments such as singing bowls, yangqin and kemence, processed through ped­als, Max/MSP, as well as text-based sto­ry­telling and abstrac­tion. She cites ear­ly musi­cal influ­ences from the city’s diverse sub-cul­tures from UK garage to under­ground DIY bands, hav­ing grown up on coun­cil estates in Cam­den, to under­age club­bing in Soho and Mayfair.

In Octo­ber 2020, her debut album was released on Mod­ern Love records as a dou­ble LP vinyl. Pri­or to that, she released on Berlin label PAN on the ambi­ent “mono no aware” com­pi­la­tion which she worked on con­cep­tu­al­iz­ing. Her debut EP “City God” was a tape on New York imprint PTP, was inspired by the Daoist tra­di­tion of tute­lary deities and the afterlife.

She has per­formed at insti­tu­tions and gal­leries like MACRO Roma, Volks­bühne The­atre Berlin, Palais de Tokyo, V&A Muse­um, Fon­da­tion Beyel­er Basel, Som­er­set House, Tri­en­nale Milano, King’s Place, The Jazz Cafe, and Cafe OTO Lon­don, as well as clubs like Berghain, Print­works Lon­don, Razzmatazz Barcelona, SOTO and Metro in Kyoto, and on Fes­ti­vals like Aton­al and 3HD Fes­ti­vals in Berlin, Semi­breve Por­tu­gal, FIBER Fes­ti­val Ams­ter­dam, Wiener Fest­wochen in Vien­na and MUTEK Peru.
She reg­u­lar­ly guests on radio shows like Rinse FM, NTS, Know Wave, The Lot Radio, and Boil­er Room, with a trimes­tri­al res­i­den­cy on LYL Radio. This year she launched her record label Doyenne feat. artists like Susu Laroche, Lisa Lerken­feldt, Mar­ty­na Bas­ta, and YL Hooi. Her sec­ond album is due this Sep­tem­ber on Mod­ern Love, and her mul­ti-chan­nel com­po­si­tion for Paris institute’s INA GRM will be released as a split EP next year fol­low­ing a res­i­den­cy for their icon­ic 48-chan­nel dif­fu­sion sys­tem. She is cur­rent­ly work­ing on remix­es for Ale Hop on Nyege Nyege Tapes, for the duo Ani­mistic Beliefs and Tokyo pro­duc­er Ena.

Her first book “Litur­gy” was released in July 2021 on New York’s Pri­ma­ry Infor­ma­tion — explor­ing abstract fic­tion and non-fic­tion, inter­link­ing themes like reli­gion, mod­ern mythol­o­gy, para­dox­es, and delusions.


mʊdʌ­ki aka Poli­na Khat­sen­ka is a new media artist from Belarus, cur­rent­ly based in Usti nad Labem, Czech Repub­lic. Cur­rent­ly she is study­ing time-based media in Linz. She works as sound design­er, recordist, edi­tor, music pro­duc­er and son­ic cura­tor. A dom­i­nant part of her art­works is based on a wide vari­ety of aspects of sound, such as son­ic envi­ron­ment, field record­ings, elec­troa­coustic music and spa­tial sound. In her work she attempts to go for intu­ition togeth­er with con­stant devel­op­ment of her skills, try­ing to keep dis­tance from fast-chang­ing lead­ing movements.


ronit amon lives and works in linz, where she is active in the self-orga­nized and social­ly bound rental house project habi­TAT and the asso­ci­at­ed house project Willy*Fred, among oth­ers. She has been DJing reg­u­lar­ly since 2008 and has also been work­ing as a pro­duc­er since 2020. She is cur­rent­ly work­ing with Bitwig Stu­dio on a new set on the schwarz­markt label, which com­bines rave and pump­ing deep, melod­ic and acid techno.


I‑ID (I minus ID) is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist, painter, DJ and sound-artist from Tehran, cur­rent­ly study­ing Time-based Media at Uni­ver­si­ty of Arts Linz. The work is char­ac­ter­ized by a wide vari­ety of art forms into dig­i­tal arts, exper­i­ment­ing with sound and the rela­tion­ship between them. I‑ID has recent­ly been active in the field of sound­ing projects, curat­ing and event orga­ni­za­tion, and is a mem­ber of the Linz based art col­lec­tive qujOchÖ.
