Imperium qujOchÖum: Promote, support, sponsor

Crowd­fund­ing was born yes­ter­day. The trends nowa­days are sub­sidy grap­ping and spon­sor goug­ing. The Imperi­um qujOchÖum is of course a trend­set­ter and shows the way how to do it.

With 115 asso­ci­a­tions in five dif­fer­ent coun­tries and a cir­cu­lar let­ter func­tion it goes the easy way to do sub­sidy grap­ping and spon­sor goug­ing. To try this out the Empire sent 20 requests for sup­port­ing an inter­na­tion­al, inter­cul­tur­al and inter­gen­er­a­tional fes­ti­val to dif­fer­ent fund­ing agen­cies in Ger­many, Aus­tria, Liecht­en­stein and Switzerland.

At the same time 22 requests for spon­sor­ing dif­fer­ent kind of things to make this fes­ti­val hap­pen were sent to com­pa­nies in the Ger­man-speak­ing area (e.g. min­er­al­wa­ter-fast­food-vouch­ers, prod­ucts out of quinces, thrown-out soc­cer-shoes from Mar­co Quotschalla, …)

[nggallery id=19] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)