3rd WurstVomHundBall

Pæn­da (AUT) ///
Eugenes Elec­tric Trash­ma­chine (AUT) ///
Yas­mo & die Klangkan­tine (AUT) ///
Jakob Bouchal (Match­es Music) (AUT) ///
Yung Ten­tiks DJ-Team (AUT) ///

Sat, Feb­ru­ary 3 2018, 20:00 ///
Stadtwerk­statt, Kirchen­gasse 4, Linz ///

Mod­er­at­ed by pres­i­dent Domini­ka Meindl
Mid­night interludes
Herren‑, Trans- and Damen­spenden (lit­tle gifts)
Beau­ty salon
Gold­en shower

Many art and cul­tur­al ini­tia­tives, which have been unit­ed since 2016 for this suc­cess­ful alter­na­tive to the right-wing Burschen­bund­ball, are pool­ing their ener­gies for the gold­en fes­ti­val of diver­si­ty. With exquis­ite stage acts like Yas­mo & the Klangkan­tine, PÆNDA, EUGENES ELECTRIC TRASHMACHINE, Jakob Bouchal and Yung Tentik’s DJ Team and the sparkling sup­port pro­gram, once again a sign against fear and hate is set.

The net pro­ceeds of the event will be donat­ed to SOS-Menschenrechte.

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