ÖLOHÖ: Christmas in Hawaiian

Sat, Decem­ber 19 2015, 19:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Christ­mas time, not con­cerned, only if the toast is burned. Toast Hawaii, to be pre­cise. The Christ Child is out. Instead qujOchÖ launch­es an extra­or­di­nary fid­ji noir, a greyscale polynis­co, an alu­luhoa of win­ter. In a wild mix of East­er Island wor­ship rit­u­als, vol­canous Mai Tai drinks, Pacif­ic pornos with Ron Jere­my, palm fronds of light­ing tech­ni­cian tapes, Aus­trone­sian slide shows, choco­late foun­tains with coconut and 80 year old trav­el doc­u­men­taries from the South Sea a hap­py and peace­ful cer­e­mo­ny is tak­ing place.

More­over: all 121 episodes of “Lost” in a screen­ing, Tahi­ti paint­ings by Bar­tolozzi, Cleve­ley, Gau­guin & Co and an exot­ic-erot­ic Robin­son Caru­so per­for­mance with Game­lan mad­ness. Served with music from Israel “Brud­dah Iz” Kamakawi­wo’ole to William Awi­hili­ma Kaha­ial­i’i to Mary Abi­gail Kawe­na’u­laokala­ni­ahi’i­akaikapo­liopelekawahine’ai­honu­ainaleile­huaapele Wig­gin Pukui.

Bring in your spe­cial South Sea idea and get a free drink! ÖLOHÖ!

Musi­cal sup­port from:
DJ Melt Ice Cream // tiki tiki, trop­i­cal funk and percussions


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