Glossy Punk

Cher­ry Sunkist (AUT) /// 
Yas­min Gate (ARG/GER) /// 

Fri, July 24 2015, 20:30 (sharp!) /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Note: Due to recent­ly increased com­plaints from neigh­bours the con­cert starts at around 20:30. Free entry.

The punk is glossy like frag­ile glassy nail pol­ish remover. One evening, two musi­cians, a lot of pres­sure. At first Cher­ry Sunkist with her tricky and queer elec­tron­ic beats, man­i­fold frag­ment­ed, decom­posed with the finest gui­tar noise and a voice which sounds like from anoth­er uni­verse. After­wards Yas­min Gate, for­mer mem­ber of the Span­ish duo “Dirty Princess” which caused a furor in the mid 2000s with their pro­vok­ing sex­u­al­ized per­for­mances and musicvideos, now eletro­clash queen with a rough mix­ture of club­by­ist beats and a Fuck-You-atti­tude. She is back with a stun­ning new album called “Doll­house” which she will present live on stage. The nine-track out­put, pro­duced by her fel­low part­ners Dua­lesque, was record­ed in Berlin and shows her pop side in elec­tron­ic music com­bined with inky wash­es of Trap and Hip Hop blips. Her new Sin­gle and Video “Push” was out the May 22 2015 through Killer­rr Records, fol­lowed by the album “Doll­house” the 29 May 2015.

Selb­st­darstel­lung und Insze­nierung machen Cher­ry Sunkist zu einem der inter­es­san­testen musikalis­chen Acts Öster­re­ichs, der noch dazu mit unver­wech­sel­barem Sound daherkommt – im DIY-Ver­fahren pro­duziert, erar­beit­et im Heim­stu­dio mit Hang zum Zufall­sex­per­i­ment, besitzen die Songs starken Wieder­erken­nungswert.” (The Gap 2011)

Yas­min Gate is a per­for­mance artist, dj and vocal­ist hail­ing from Buenos Aires, Argenti­na, now based in Berlin. She first became well known with her Dirty Princess project that was part of the Inter­na­tion­al Dee­jay Gigo­lo Records ros­ter […] In 2011 she released her debut album ‘YG The Album’ on Space Fac­to­ry, fea­tur­ing artists such as DJ Hell, T.Raumschmiere, Dou­glas McCarthy (Nitzer Ebb). […] straight for­ward elec­tro-tech­no-pop track, that gets stuck in your head.” (Local Sui­cide 2014)


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(Pho­tos: Raphalea Danner)

Live-Set Cher­ry Sunkist:
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Live-Set Yas­min Gate:
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Com­plete Record­ings at