Vinyl Terror & Horror

Vinyl Ter­ror & Hor­ror (DK) /// 
Gial­lo-Hor­ror-Dis­co DJ-Line (AT) /// 

Sat, May 16 2015, 22:30 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Vinyl Ter­ror & Hor­ror is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Camil­la Sørensen and Gre­ta Christensen.

Their approach to music starts from a visu­al and sculp­tur­al prac­tice. Turntable decon­struc­tion and rearrange­ment of vinyl media in all imag­i­na­tive ways is strong­ly influ­enc­ing the sounds. VINYL TERROR AND HORROR are work­ing in the field of cin­e­mat­ic sound­scapes with a high tol­er­ance lev­el of pos­si­ble Hi-Fi disasters.

Sen­ti­men­tal heart­break­ing sequences where the opera singer is loop­ing and the birds are singing back­wards – until nee­dles are break­ing down and chaos is tak­ing over. Cut up and mis­treat­ed records loop­ing and creak­ing from dust and slop­py use. Pick-ups being pushed dis­re­spect­ful­ly over grooves. Records spin­ning back­wards and for­wards while played from multi­ble pick-ups simul­tan­ious­ly. Mean­while the lady in stilet­tos just keeps on walk­ing down the stairs. Repet­i­tive arrange­ments, dark sounds, neck break­ing mix­es, film-ama­teur sound effects, scratch­es, quieks, vinyls, ter­ror and horror.


(Pho­tos: Flo­ri­an Voggened­er)