The Swamp Thing Wellness Evening

2MS20 feat. Audiobomber (AUT) /// 
Bri­an Eno’s (GBR) “Music for Swamp Things” ///

Thu, August 23 2012, 19:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Flash­back: On August 11th last year a swamp was arranged in the cen­tre of Linz which has been exam­ined on dif­fer­ent usabil­i­ty in the con­text of art mean­while. Con­certs on a cus­tom-built con­struct­ed moor stage, screen­ings and lec­tures on sub­jects regard­ing swamps, audi­tive exper­i­ments or herbal cul­ti­va­tion attempts could be seen and heard.

One year after the cer­e­mo­ni­al open­ing of the SWAMP THING qujOchÖ invites you to the SWAMP THING WELLNESS EVENING. Med­i­ta­tive sound trips by 2MS20 feat. AUDIOBOMBER (AUT) meet the world pre­miere of BRIAN ENO’S (GB) “Music for Swamp Things”. Also on dis­play there is a doc­u­men­ta­tion on mush­room exper­i­ments in the moor, every­thing gar­nished with exot­ic let­tuce-avo­ca­do-cucum­ber-drinks, mind-and-body-enhanc­ing knick­knack and a lim­it­ed edi­tion of the own well­ness mud pack, filled in prop­er style into glass jars.

Relax & get some moor …

[nggallery id=30] (Fotos: miguel josé gon­za­lez-gon­za­lez) [audio:]
