Miss Magnetiq. A new superheroine is born …

Sep­tem­ber 2014 /// 
Linz ///

The world needs new heroes. Hero­ines. Super­heroines. Linz too …

Born in Linz she is so man­i­fold and con­tra­dic­to­ry as a post­mod­ern iden­ti­ty has to be: pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive at the same time, hyper­pho­bic, iron­ic, ani­mal lov­ing, chaot­ic, aggro and sen­si­tive, mag­ne­tiz­ing and always ready not only to attract things but also to kick them away. A super­heroine as torn as the city from which she comes. Pure Trash.

As decon­struc­tivist and post­struc­tural­ist, MISS MAGNETIQ goes forth with the bat­tle scream “Gen­der Trou­ble!” to explore the phys­i­cal phe­nom­e­non of mag­net­ism, the­o­ret­i­cal­ly and prac­ti­cal­ly in there­fore designed exper­i­men­tal arrange­ments and in the open orbit.

Do mag­net­ic fields have an influ­ence on cows? Why are the forces of the city guards in Linz so repul­sive? How to deal with the eso­teric won­ders of a free-ener­gy machine? Is it true that the Pöstling­berg is a mag­net­ic hill and a car can go uphill back­wards? Why pay­ing atten­tion to the lethal dan­ger of killer-mag­nets? Is it pos­si­ble to real­ize the dream of float­ing with a sim­ple cop­per tube and trust­ing Lenz’s law? Are mag­ne­tiq super-pow­ers enough to fight against over­sized mag­net­ic put­ty monsters?

All these ques­tions, and even more, will be answered by MISS MAGNETIQ. In the course of an artis­tic exper­i­men­tal series, the expe­ri­ences of MISS MAGNETQ are going to be radi­at­ed into Maxwell’s ether.

[nggallery id=156] (Pho­tos: Michael Wirthig, Sun Li Lian Obwegeser)

Spe­cial thanks to supermagnete.at