
Pre­lim­i­nary project in the con­text of Linz09 /// 

A point moves back and forth. Two play­ers con­trol a ver­ti­cal line which they move up and down with a knob. If the ball miss­es the rack­et the oppo­nent receives one point. Sounds sim­ple and is good – PONG, the first suc­cess­ful and pop­u­lar video game, the hyped pio­neer of the video and com­put­er game era.

donauPONG wants to bring this clas­sic to Linz in 2009 but not in form of a small video game or a mid-sized gam­ing con­sole but rather as the biggest video game of the world. Where? At the danube riv­er. When? Every day when night falls. Who? Every­one who wants.

Con­cept: Thomas Philipp
Tech­ni­cal real­iza­tion: Dieter Mackinger, Chris­t­ian Leisch, Ingo Randolf

[nggallery id=135] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

(Video: qujOchÖ/Ingo Randolf)

(Video: qujOchÖ/Ingo Randolf)

(Video: qujOchÖ/Ingo Randolf)