
Novem­ber 2005 ///

Bushi­do vs. Dobuschi­do — Keep it real, Nutel­la-Suc­ka! Linz, downtown

So much for „the arse end of nowhere“! After the beau­ti­ful town of Linz got insult­ed in an arti­cle of the mag­a­zine Spiegel, which was about the process against the Ger­man bul­ly-rap­per Bushi­do, the may­or Franz Dobusch strikes back. With his own rap-video the now called Dobuschi­do accepts the chal­lenge for a bat­tle and diss­es the brain­less gangs­ta from Berlin: “Go fry an egg! Make your­self scarce! Your dirty face appears in the list of my sozi-crew. We jerk on you! Yo yo, for sure!” Dobuschi­do wants to keep the hard-earned image of Linz clean. It was not for noth­ing that Linz was the Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture in 2009, so does he say and keeps on diss­ing: “Keep it real! Does it stink in Linz? Chem­istry, bore­dom, drugs? You should get dis­vest­ed of your licence to rap!“

Dobuschi­do tries hard to calm down his com­mu­ni­ty but it’s bub­bling in the sub­urbs. First encroach­ments against Ger­man tourists are being report­ed in the dis­tricts Auwiesen and Klein­münchen. The same in the cen­ter near­by the city hall, there some Ger­man bicy­cle-tourists got attacked. Dobuschi­do denies any co-respon­si­bil­i­ty: „I’ve already talked to my homies Big K.Luger and Dirty John­ny M., we don’t want to smirch our hands in this way!”
The bat­tle between Bushi­do and Dobuschi­do is hold on the music floor, at least this round. Dur­ing the next inter­na­tion­al Pflaster­spek­takel in Linz, there is going to be a rhyme-bat­tle between these two rivals: “In the ghet­to, here with my sozi-gang, I’ll diss ya down, you Ger­man sausage with sauce!” The new Dobuschi­do-song! Keep it real, Nutella-Sucka!

[nggallery id=84] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

(Direction/Production: qujOchÖ, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)