Illus­tra­tors from UNKRAUT 4 (AUT) /// 
Fohzowi & Cpt. Cool (AUT) ///

Sat, July 5 2008, 15:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Tomor­row today is already yes­ter­day. There­fore we invite to the event of the year in advance: UNKRAUT Inc. assumes the coach­ing of the Aus­tri­an nation­al foot­ball team (press conference).

There­fore we present the fourth edi­tion of the accom­pa­ny­ing book­let UNKRAUT on Sat­ur­day, July 5th 2008 (from 15:00 until the open bit­ter end) at the quitch. The pre­sen­ta­tion par­ty is free of admis­sion, along with open air (in ALL weath­ers) and musi­cal enter­tain­ment from the UNKRAUT illus­tra­tors and Fozhowi & Cpt. Cool. Culi­nary plea­sures will be test­ed by bar­be­cue and beer tap mas­ters, a ten­nis table knock out bat­tle pro­vides the nec­es­sary drive.

The car­a­van of the UNKRAUT troop stops in the beau­ti­ful Danube metrop­o­lis on this day only. Hope­ful­ly you won’t miss this his­tor­i­cal inci­dent (only lim­it­ed pre-reg­is­tra­tions accept­ed due to exag­ger­at­ed press attendance)!

ACME Kraut – world cup sup­pli­er of the Aus­tri­an foot­ball nation­al team


[nggallery id=112] (Pho­tos: Thomas Aschenbrenner/Ewald Elmecker)