Imperium qujOchÖum: The Empire gets in contact

After the peri­ods of found­ing, crosslink­ing and iden­ti­fy­ing the Imperi­um qujOchÖum got in con­tact with its “nat­ur­al part­ners” in the polit­i­cal-eco­nom­ic complex.

The list in Aus­tria, Ger­many and Switzer­land reads like the Who is Who of fraud: Alfons Mens­dorff-Pouil­ly, Karl-Heinz Grass­er, Uwe Scheuch und Har­ald Dobernig, Ernst Strass­er, Peter Hocheg­ger, Wal­ter Meis­chberg­er, Ernst Karl Plech, Carsten Maschmey­er, Klaus Zumwinkel, Madeleine Schickedanz, Michael Per­ler und Chris­t­ian Bau­mann (the major­i­ty of them are politi­cians and/or entrepeneurs).

These nat­ur­al part­ners received 9,90 Euro on their bank accounts and a let­ter, which referred back to a long-time ago con­ver­sa­tion about a sense­less idea of invest­ment. You won’t believe the reactions.

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