q_musik 03

Melt­ed Men (USA) ///

Wed, May 9 2001, 20:00 /// 
KAPU, Kapuzin­er­straße 36, Linz ///

A car­ni­val of degen­er­a­tion and decon­struc­tion. A hybrid of com­mer­cial songs and singing birds. Vinyl record­ings in a cos­tume or naked. Stage appear­ances too. This is Melt­ed Men, the crazy duo from Athens (USA): “[…] most bizarre electronica/tribal percussive/noise/industrial/experimental/performance art/­cos­tumed-freak duo […]” (Flag­pole Mag­a­zine 05/99).

Let me tell you: Who­ev­er miss­es this par­ty miss­es his life.


[nggallery id=56] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)