q_# 03

Tim Boykett (AUT) /// 
Claus Har­ringer (AUT) /// 
marc9 (AUT) /// 
Boris Schuld (AUT) ///

Sun, August 5 2001, 20:00 /// 
KAPU, Kapuzin­er­straße 36, Linz ///

q_# is a month­ly hap­pen­ing exper­i­men­tal audio-video-series, orga­nized by “qujOchÖ — mul­ti­ples plateau fuer kun­st und kul­tur”. This series is an attempt to com­bine dif­fer­ent audio­vi­su­al seg­ments and maybe rede­fine them. In con­trast to the first two episodes q_# 03 now con­sists of anal­o­gous equip­ment (drums, gui­tar etc.) and there­fore won’t be oper­at­ed not exclu­sive­ly by sam­pling and lap­tops for the first time.

Musi­cians and visu­al­ists of this third episode are:

  • Klaus Har­ringer (Drums at Vali­na, ego vs fux vs bron­s­ki, sev­er­al noise collaborations)
  • Tim Boykett (Time’s Up, for­mer High Speed Lady Die, T‑Roll, Toms Les­sion, Yield7)
  • marc9 (Time’s Up)
  • Boris Schuld (Lampe, waschaecht.wels)
[nggallery id=46] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)