Bricklebrit @ Wunderkammer Oberösterreich: El Dorado (ob der Enns)

Fr, 13 Decem­ber 2019, 6 p.m.
OK im Kulturquartier
OK-Platz 1, Linz
Dura­tion of exhi­bi­tion: 14 Decem­ber 2019 — 28 March 2020

Once, accord­ing to leg­end, Upper Aus­tria was an El Dora­do, a land of incred­i­ble wealth, ruled by women with leg­endary pow­ers. Over the cen­turies, how­ev­er, the secret women’s unions were for­got­ten — like gold in the Alps. But the gold bon­nets are still a pow­er­ful sym­bol of the matri­archy of the time, and traces of the gold of the past can be found in unex­pect­ed places.

Artists: Lau­rien Bach­mann / Sebas­t­ian Six, Rein­hold Bid­ner, Sam Bunn, Karin Fisslthaler, Katha­ri­na Gruzei, Hannes Langed­er, Rain­er Nöbauer, Elis­a­beth Peter­lik, Jakob Diet­rich / Thomas Philipp / Andre Zogholy (qujOchÖ), Clau­dia Seigmann, Oona Valar­ie Serbest, Bet­ty Wimmer.

qujOchÖ’s “Brick­lebrit” is a para­ble about the hum­ming pro­mo­tion of art and cul­ture in seem­ing­ly thrifty, but some­how mag­i­cal­ly gen­er­ous times:

The sec­ond son had come to a miller and appren­ticed to him. When he had his years around, the mas­ter said: “Because you have held your­self so well, I give you a don­key of a spe­cial kind, he does­n’t pull the cart and does­n’t car­ry bags either”. — The young jour­ney­man asked, “What is its use? “He spits gold,” replied the miller, “if you put him on a cloth and say: Brick­lebrit! so the good ani­mal spits out pieces of gold for you, back and front. — This is a beau­ti­ful thing,” said the jour­ney­man, thanked the mas­ter and went into the world. If he need­ed gold, he only had to say “Brick­lebrit” to his don­key, it rained gold pieces, and he had no more trou­ble than to pick them up from the earth. Where he went, the best was good enough for him, and the more expen­sive the bet­ter, for he always had a full bag.

[nggallery id=306] Pho­tos: qujOchÖ
