We dsp on you: Sonig Club Rock Tour

Scratch Pet Land (BEL) /// 
Vert (GER) /// 
F.X. Ran­dom­iz (GER) /// 
Joseph Suchy (FRA) /// 
DJ Frank Dom­mert (GER) /// 
DJ Lithops (GER) ///

Wed, May 14 2003, 20:00 /// 
KAPU, Kapuzin­er­straße 36, Linz ///

SONIG is the renowned elec­tron­ic label of the “Köl­ner unger­aden Schule”. Found­ed in 1997, this label not just pub­lished e.g. MOUSE ON MARS, but also gath­ered some of the most unique and com­pelling rep­re­sen­ta­tives of new dig­i­tal music and who are intro­duc­ing them­selves on this first inter­na­tion­al label tour.

The Bel­gian Super Rock­er SPL aren’t just going beyond the lim­its of con­ven­tion­al record pro­duc­tions (cur­rent albums: “solo soli iii­ii” and “fan club orches­tra vol.1&2”), but they also are out­shin­ing every­thing by play­ing live. Stage mad­ness in sev­er­al speeds, gob­bing out of the ampli­fi­er unin­hib­it­ed­ly. SPL are the liv­ing proof that elec­tron­ic music is not just a genre but a machine which is neb­u­liz­ing par­ti­cles. And even those will smash SPL.

VERT decid­ed to do it on his own. He is famil­iar with songs, with unique rhythm and body moves, vert’uous key­board­ing and awk­ward pos­ing. In this vein the Eng­lish gen­tle­man is break­ing with con­ven­tions, styles and beats. After his long tour sup­port­ing TORTOISE and MOUSE ON MARS through Europe, USA and Japan, VERT presents parts of his high­ly praised album “nine types of ambiguity”.

F.X.RANDOMIZ is the sov­er­eign, silent prog­en­i­tor of lap­top rock, that musi­cal mass move­ment which is mean­while called like this by all glossy mag­a­zines. RANDOMIZ doe not care about this at all. Quite the con­trary, because he is just bored about this. Great music is what dri­ves him. Even if he isn’t mov­ing much behind his mon­i­tor, he is mov­ing a huge mass of sounds, arrang­ing poly rhyth­mic infer­nos. For each con­cert he is con­duct­ing a new orches­tra with new unheard music. A liv­ing leg­end, this time accom­pa­nied by the fan­tas­tic free-noise gui­tarist JOSEPH SUCHY.

DJ FRANK DOMMERT plays rarely heard records around the burn­ing con­cert stage. With MOUSE ON MARS he took over the man­ag­ing for the label SONIG, is for more than 10 years essen­tial part of Cologne’s exper­i­men­tal scene around A‑MUSIC and sole own­er of the fine tra­di­tion­al Cologne Label ENTENPFUHL (also pub­lished suchy’s new opus “entski­doo”).

LITHOPS is Jan St. Wern­er from MOUSE ON MARS and MICROSTORIA. With some acoustic sur­pris­es and more dance records in his case than the clos­ing time allows, he com­pletes the blaz­ing evening of the SONIG label. Per­haps he also plays live, you nev­er know what he is going to do.

Thus, you can look for­ward to cool updown­tem­po beats, sool, pfunk and rear­groove for mov­ing club­ber. SONIG will assem­ble elec­tron­ic music live new and show that there is so much more than just beats or click form­ing glitch.

[nggallery id=65] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)