Battle fields of the electronic desert
Schwestern Brüll (AUT) ///
Eva Egermann (AUT) ///
EyeBM (AUT) ///
Fritz Ostermayer (AUT) ///
Tom Lamberty (GER) ///
Fri, December 19 2003, 20:00 ///
Upper Austrian Federal State Library, Linz ///
BATTLE FIELDS OF THE ELECTRONIC DESERT is part of the experimental series q_# of qujOchÖ and takes place in the reading room of the Upper Austrian Federal State Library. Two experiments are held: 1. Eva Egermann (Vienna) is competing against one of the sisters Brüll (Vienna): unpredictability as experimental arrangement, the attempt of glorifying failure and the clash of heroines and revolutionary young feminists. 2. The project EyeBM with “what you see is what you hear” show an audio-visual piece of broken computer monitors.
The library, which actually is a place of knowledge, silence and relaxation, or even better: an archive of concentration; gets rearranged into a noisy and disturbing concert hall. Boffins who are silently and isolated reading their books, and are getting replaced by listening people dancing between harmony and dissonance.
On the same evening qujOchÖ invites the hero of the Austrian “Dilettantenstadls”, Fritz Ostermayer, journalist, FM4-radio-man, DJ, author, actor, guest speaker and musician.
On top of that a lecture of Tom Lamberty (Merve-Verlag) reading parts of the book of qrt “battle field of the electronic desert” takes place: “Many people expect that Arnold Schwarzenegger goes to the next war, because he is the strongest man alive. Meanwhile others think that the Gulf War is just a production of Warner Brothers or Columbia Pictures.” (Qrt, battle fields of the electronic desert, Merve, Berlin 1999)
qrt alias Markus Konradin Leiner, theorist and barkeeper, dies 1995 by an overdose of heroine. Publications at Merve: battle fields of the electronic desert (1999), Tekknologic (1999), Drachensaat (2000)
Tom Lamberty, friend of qrt of many years and publisher of his works at Merve, Berlin, is consultant of strategies and so on His focal points of interests are missile heads, E‑HR, last dishes, silhouettes of scissors, sounds of helicopter.
Entrance just for dilettante heroines and heroes …
(Photos: qujOchÖ)